Amazing Tips for Going Freelancer as a Graphic Designer

GigTricks Team
Published in
7 min readOct 8, 2018

With the advent of the Internet several traditional approaches, processes, things have become or are to become obsolete. Nowadays, in writing, we prefer Word rather than a paper and a pen. You can carry it in your smartphone anywhere you like. That is how easier things have become today. Newer approaches replace the traditional ones, as they provide better and effective results within ample amounts of hours. Thanks to technology we can not only today learn, research, but also work via the Internet. A web of websites that has interlinked pages, and possibly contains anything you want to search.

As the Internet has become a norm these days so has freelancing become. Working regular gigs for clients who can be sitting across the Pacific Ocean, or be in Europe, or be in Central Asia. They can be running their startups digitally, without any physical existence of a workplace. All due to the Internet and a couple of freelancers who regularly will be working for them. Whether you are belonging to a field of programming, designing, teaching, writing, be it anything and you can work freelance in the respective field straight from the luxury of your home.

Graphic Designers Be Ready!

If you are a graphic designer who’s looking for an effective source of income, then freelancing can be the option for you. It is easy, simple and not that difficult to fathom. It can be a different experience than the one you’d have had working in a corporation. No constant working hours, you decide when to work, where to work from, as if you are self-employed. You are the one who’s searching for clients, you will be dealing with them, you will be negotiating the price, and you will be working over the gig. So the right temperament and attitude are the key towards taking your first step in the freelancing world.

More and more people every day sign up on freelancing platforms, but due to lack of faith, or consistent persistence, highs, and lows, end their freelancing run even before it flourishes. What you have got to do here is have faith in yourself, and follow few key things that will devise your strategy and make your freelancing career a success. So keep your hopes high, aim for the things atop, never compromise on your dreams, because it is all about you.

Tips to Go Freelancing!

Before entering the unknown territories, it is better to do some background research. In case you are wondering how to begin your freelancing career as a designer to make success as quickly as possible. This is where you should be, as below are the things mentioned that will give your freelancing run a strong boost.
Working freelance may require more than what you think of your time and dedication. What’s making it worth it is your persistence that will make it work for you. So let’s get started with the real task. & don’t forget it’s not always about skills, you can have good skills, and good at your work, but unless you are following the right steps to operate you won’t make it long here.

1. Know the Drill — Be Pleasant

Know one thing, in the beginning, it’s not really about the skills or your efficiency at all, it is about your pleasant you are to the customers. I regard this to be the most important thing in a freelancer’s profile.
The real idea behind the term is “be easy working with.” If you are easy to work with, people would be looking forward to working with you again. So that is an easy way towards building strong relationships with your early clients will be an easy step towards growth in your freelancing career.

But always remember do only the work that you have been hired for by the client. Be attentive towards the client’s requirements, understand how they require the outcome, ask questions where you don’t get the idea, and stay in contact. Be professional in your approach as much as you can be, provide quality work, and always be within the reach of your clients.

2. Work According to Deadline

Keep in mind, for a freelancer the most important thing once you have a project at hand is the deadline. The deadline is everything most of the time, and delivering the project on its due date will be an ideal thing that the client will seek from you.

Therefore, after you have landed yourself a gig, the most important thing to keep in mind is to make a timeline of events. It will help you understand how you will be working on the project and how you will successfully complete the project in due time. Even if the project is huge, or highly complex, or time-consuming you must always deliver your product on time. Respecting the deadline is the ultimate goal that you should look to achieve as a freelancer. If lagging behind, it’s better to talk to the client and re-negotiate the terms of work.

3. Eager Eye On the Feedback — Look to Better Your Flaws

Working as a freelancer flourishes your skills because whenever you will deliver a project your client will provide you with the feedback. There will be flaws, there will be errors, or things lacked, that you can hear from the client and work upon to overcome your flaws. This will be an ideal means to better yourself as a freelancer and grow while working.

The idea to learn from feedbacks is to hear the clients (as they are with the final say) understand what they are trying to say to you, and make the most of it afterward. Understand this, you can always input your own opinions & suggestions as a solution, but it’s the client who will be deciding terms according to which you have got to operate. So make sure their say is how you work according to, and making your client happy & satisfied is your utmost priority. Giving them the impression of you listening to them, and working as per they say will give them the feeling of trust over you.

4. Value Relationship with Client

While you are working as a freelancer, it is not as if you are working for any brand, in fact, you are your own brand. Everything you do it for yourself. You are presenting yourself as a brand to clients, working as if an organization, marketing yourself for yourself, hence everything will be associated with you.
Another thing that you should be keen to value is the bond that you are developing while working with your client. If you are good to them, a good listener, working according to their demands, deliver work according to their desired requirements it will prosper the working relationship. And once pleased the client will next time prefer you over any other freelancer for work.

5. Practice Before Taking the Step!

For choosing freelance designing as your profession, you better be good at designing. Whenever you have a free time, practice frequently. Practice will make you good at whatever you do, learn newer things even while you are working as a freelancer. So that you may have a chance to stand out, while other freelancers are searching for the same jobs as you.

There are various resources for you to learn from, then practice to acquire those skills. The vast number of skills will be giving you an edge over others and will help you gain different kinds of projects. If you continue learning and working both in parallel, this may open opportunities for newer projects even while you are in a phase of building your freelancing profile.

Some of You May Ask — Why Go for Freelance Designing?

Above I presented you with some tips that may help you land a successful run as a freelance graphic designer. They are the essential tips that once brought to practice will give you the edge over your other competitors. As of course, you are not the only one who’s working as a graphic designer. So working hard will pay off, and sitting idle will only cost you, your freelancing career.

However, some of you may also have a query regarding why you should go for freelance graphic designing? Below I am mentioning a few advantages that will clear all your doubts, and give you the confidence that you need to take your first step in the field of freelancing.

1. More Freedom, More Flexibility

As a freelancer you are your own boss, so you don’t have anyone interfering with you while you are busy with work. You have the freedom of sketching your own plan, you can make your own approach towards obtaining the resulted product, and have a better understanding of the project. But this leads to more share of responsibility for the two of your shoulders. As you are the only man at work, and the entire organization is you. So this may result in a headache, but other than that things are all fine and good.

2. Take that Needed Call

Since you are the one who is going to make the decisions, you will be the one to decide what project to take, and what to decline. You will select the clients, you will negotiate the terms in detail with them, and you will be working as your own manager. Communications, making the client happy & satisfied, working on the project, setting the guidelines, making the work environment ideal and at the end run for the cash. This isn’t really an easy task but you will have the freedom of decision-making which is enough.

Working as a freelancer is a different job, and can be a headache that is unbearable. But that is for the starters, once you are accustomed to your life as a freelancer, you will find it easy to tackle the worries. However, it is your persistence that will make your hard work pay off. As not every person who tries their hand at freelancing is supposed to succeed. It may take a toll on you but if you can go through it, you will have nothing to worry.

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