Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) — How It Boost Security?

GigTricks Team
Published in
7 min readAug 1, 2018

Today, our banking details, health details, personal and professional data all are stored over a server on the Internet. Computing discoveries have led us to doors of a newer, high-processing, and computational world. Where the internet is the key to all queries, education, health, scientific, physics, research, and other computational fields. Though the Internet can accumulate all of yours, your neighbors and everybody on Earth with an access to Internet’s data but its vulnerability to hackers has raised a question mark from time to time over the reliability of the security of our data.

This predicament always made the Internet an unreliable yet effective means of data transfer, collection, recollection, and sharing with masses. The Internet was garnering new followers every day but similarly, people became aware of centralization at the same pace. Which gave the momentum and platform towards the discovery of blockchain technology. This is a technology that Is built upon the core concepts of decentralization, making data breach, hacking impregnable and impossible. Thus it made it an ideal source of the digital economy over the digital world.

What is Ethereum?

Coming to Ethereum, it is an open platform (blockchain based), that allows the building of decentralized applications. You may regard Ethereum as similar as the Bitcoin, but to be honest they are just the two different applications out of a hundred others over the Blockchain and have different capabilities. Many blockchains are limited to an extent whereas that is where Ethereum stands out. As Ethereum allows the developers to create any operation they want or require to. Something that is away from being ordinary about Ethereum is the Smart Contract. Which we are going to be discussing in detail as below.

How Ethereum is Different from Bitcoin?

Lately, Bitcoin has been in the news more often so we know it’s a peer to peer cash system, which tends to suffice Bitcoin payments online. Whereas the Blockchain working on the background tends to keep hold of the ownership of Bitcoins.

However, Ethereum is different in regards to Bitcoin, as blockchain of Ethereum’s major concern is the programming code of an application that’s decentralized. Miners in the Ethereum environment work towards earning the Ether (crypto-token majorly for Ethereum network). So I believe this brings the thought of both being the same to rest once and for all.

What are Smart Contracts?

Smart Contract is as simple as a contract but it deals with Blockchain. The digital assets are directly controlled by the smart contract. It is not the digital code letting a guy know whether they could control the digital assets, its simply be put a computer program that will be controlling the digital assets. Basically what a smart contract does is it eliminate your need for a third party between your transactions from point A to point B.

When Smart Contracts were introduced, they were analogized to being a vending machine. You give it $2 and the food item comes out if you don’t put anything, nothing happens. A self-executing program that will execute on its own whence the conditions is met. No third party interferences, no chances of fraud, no downtime, or any censorships involved since smart contract run over the blockchain.

What is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)?

Ethereum Virtual Machine or the EVM is designed to be the runtime environment for the smart contracts. With the popularity of smart contracts rising, every enthusiast is today aware of the reliability of self-executing contracts and how they deem to be the next big thing. You can carry out automatic transaction executions, will be bringing the revolution into the field of finances.

The EVM’s isolation from the rest of the environment is what makes it an ideal option for the testing environment. So if you are a company that is trying to get their hands into building a smart contract, you will be working over the Ethereum. Since it is isolated from the entire network, the rest of your network blockchain will not be facing any impact neither affected by it. So you will have free grounds to make your mark at without the guilt of risking anything. But remember to test this technology as it is a thing of utmost significance since a code with errors and bugs could lead your smart contracts to be nullified. Consider the EVM to be the environment where you are going to be testing and learning to build better and more robust smart contracts at will in time.

EVM is at times referred to as the heart of Ethereum, which process arbitrary algorithmic complexity. Programmers and developers with the aid of EVM friendly languages (Python or JavaScript ideally) may develop applications that are run in the EVM environment.

Significance of Ethereum?

Unlike the other blockchain, Ethereum offers its services to build several other decentralized applications over its EVM. The competitors don’t really have this facility on offer for the consumers in the blockchain world. There are no pre-defined operations in this environment so you can develop and build applications as you wish.

Working of Ethereum

We have the aforementioned Ethereum, discussed smart contracts, and fathomed the Ethereum Virtual Machine to a given extent. Now let’s talk about how the Ethereum works, and functions. Ethereum works with many things mutual with Blockchain but there are modifications involved that make it different and significant from Bitcoin.

Bitcoin technology was developed and launched for the basic purpose of transactions. An account is a basic unit of Ethereum, and the blockchain is responsible towards tracking each and every account’s statement. There are also the state transitions that involve information transfer among accounts. In Ethereum accounts can be categorized into two kinds:

• Externally Owned Accounts: These accounts use private keys and are controlled by these.

• Contract Accounts: These accounts use contract codes and are controlled by these and activated by EOA alone.

Both the accounts are different from one another. The EOAs are in the user’s control whereas the contract accounts aren’t. Contract Account’s control is governed by the internal codes. In cases, you would have seen the Contract Accounts being controlled by the EOAs, but it is only because they are programmed to do so via a certain address. Remember, contract accounts are activated by EOA alone, controlled by the one in the grasp of private keys. Likewise, Contract Account will only execute an action if EOA instructs to, otherwise no function executed.

Things You Should Know about EVM

There is more to it than you think, Ethereum Virtual Machine is responsible for major operations that aren’t seen elsewhere with any other Blockchain platform. So let’s get done with these fascinating facts about the EVM.

1. Security for Ethereum Platform

Hackers are really stubborn; they have attempted breaking through the blockchain platforms trying to steal the cryptocurrencies. They have been successful recently with a few others, but not with Ethereum platform.

You’d be wondering why? Because of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, as it has become the platform’s shield against the hackers. Making hacking into an Ethereum platform impregnable unlike some of the environments which failed to do so, unfortunately. Ascertaining the immunization to DDoS attacks the system faces every now and then.

For securing the platforms, the Ethereum Virtual Machine tends to secure firewalls of the platform, reinforces security measures whence bugs are eradicated. This inevitably ensures the safety of the tokens and transactions that are present on the system encrypted.

2. Maintaining Smart Contracts

You have prior knowledge of Smart Contracts, as aforementioned in the article. But Ethereum Virtual Machine is responsible for the functioning, security, and execution of the Smart Contracts in Ethereum platform. At the moment Smart Contracts are in their early stages but with EVM, the system is upgrading and innovating with time.

Like any other Virtual Machine in a Computer Network is isolated from a network yet it is a part of the network. This isolation from the network is what makes it invulnerable to hack threats or any data corruption.

Similarly, EVM is responsible for the prevention of Double Spending. What is Double Spending you must be intrigued? To all those who aren’t aware of the term, Double Spending is the process of using the same amount of money for buying different items. As soon as a transaction is carried out, its copies are scattered across, registered over the nodes present across the entire network. Which indirectly ensures no double spending is occurring anywhere at all.

Pros of Ethereum

Numerous perks and pros can be observed while you are working over the Ethereum platform or trying to delve the environment first. Ethereum is a decentralized platform where Ethereum Virtual Machine is providing the basis for developers to run blockchain applications over at. The benefits that are extracted from the Ethereum are mentioned below:

• Corruption Proof: The censorship over this network is impossible as the applications are built and developed around the concepts of consensus.

• Security: Applications are safer from the hack threats or any corruption as everything’s secured via the use of encryption and no central point of failure involved.

• Downtime: The applications’ downtime is “Zero” as they never tend to go down, neither be switched off.

• Immutable: No third party can interfere with any process neither could change the data.

When we talk about the process of application development, Ethereum Virtual Machine accentuates the process with much ease and simplicity on offer. One major perk with Ethereum is that you don’t need to build a fresh Blockchain from scratch, Ethereum will allow you to develop an application or thousand other applications all on one platform.

How significant is Ethereum Virtual Machine? To answer the question, I simply call EVM to be the Ethereum’s core or its heart. A Turing complete software that Ethereum runs on its network. If the network is given enough time and memory it would allow any program to be run over the network irrespective of programming language.

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