How to Attract the Right Talent to Your Gig?

GigTricks Team
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2018

Today, the majority of people prefer working as a freelancer and are not willing to work in the old-fashioned way of an eight-hour office shift. You may have listened to people ranting about how satisfied they are working with independence and managing their work so peacefully that they would never opt for a traditional job again. Contract workers are now increasing rapidly because of flexibility and earning based on how much one can work.

Because of the changing work habits and rapid growth of the freelance community, entrepreneurs are also acknowledging the potential in the gig industry but to find the right talent for each project is a challenge in itself. As much the freelancers struggle to find the right gigs, clients also feel the pressure to find the perfect match for their projects. Hiring freelancers are not same as hiring full-time employees. While hiring freelancers, you need to understand how gig industry works to leverage the most out of it and hire the best talent to have the desired outcome.

Here are some points for you to remember if you wish to attract the best talent:

1. The Untold Secret — Freelancer’s Satisfaction

You as a client needs to understand who the gig workers are? and what are they need? You may have heard about customer satisfaction and in the same way you need to know about freelancer’s satisfaction. There are two types of people who are working as contract workers; one to make a living and others to follow their passion. The latter ones are in majority as freelancers are free spirits.

While designing your gig, make sure you consider the freelancer’s satisfaction, fix a budget that is market competitive and value your freelancer’s expectations by setting up realistic deadline. If your project is big or long-term then present them the opportunity to get paid for the achievement of each milestone.

2. Know Your Needs — Hire the Right Skilled Individual

If you wish to keep irrelevant bidders away from your gig, the best approach is to state your required skills and the level of expertise you expect in the freelancer in clear words. When you define what type of talent you need in simple terms, looking for it becomes easy. The gig analysis you will do will be based on certain requirements that the freelancer needs to fulfill. Gig specifications and project description must reflect that talent.

3. Brand Yourself As a Client

You as a client needs to brand yourself within this gig economy in such a way that attracting talent could be easy for you as facial recognition. Branding yourself could make tapping into right talent so much easy, talented individuals will be on the lookout to work on your gigs because of the exposure they will get from it.

4. Nurture the Talent

If you are following the prior three steps and still unable to find and keep the talented individuals with you then chances are you are doing something extremely wrong. Maybe you are not nurturing skilled individuals’ talent and freedom. Try to understand that they have chosen to freelance for a reason i.e. they cherish their passion and love to explore the limits of their creative skills, let them have that and allow them to give their best while keeping your work requirements into consideration.

5. Be Generous with Feedback and Reviews

Freelancers are people, who create opportunities for themselves by flaunting their portfolios and profile rating; for these free spirits, reviews by their clients is a lifeline. If you wish to have more talented people bid on your gig, make sure to add it to project details that you will post a review if you are satisfied with their work. It will definitely uplift their spirits to apply. This is a golden chance for you as an entrepreneur to create a good proposal for the right talent to work on your company’s projects or side projects and help the company in sustaining value. Reflect in your gig details that how talented freelancers can have a chance at growth and success.

If you’ll try to keep this above discussion in mind while posting for your gig, then your chances of success will increase over 70% more. Thus, meaningful work is what today’s talent desires most.

GigTricks is an ecosystem launching soon to increase scalability and maximize trust in the freelance and on-demand ecosystem. The brand has some unique selling proposition to assist entrepreneurs in hunting for the best-suited freelancer with the help of individual skill ratings that are verified under the blockchain technology.

Join the freelance and on-demand revolution having 5 innovative products integrated into a single ecosystem. GigTricks Pre-Sale will be live from 1st July 2018 to 30th July 2018.

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