How to Avoid Unpaid Overtime as a Freelancer

GigTricks Team
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2018

The freelancer’s union recently has issued a report of problems that freelancers are experiencing and unpaid overtime is one among them that is being normalized with the passage of time. If you are a freelancer for some time now, you may have encountered two scenarios where you had to do overtime without an extra pay.

One is, when you aren’t able to finish your task at the specified time in this condition you won’t be paid because lack of speed has duty-bound you to work overtime. While the other reason might be the client you are working for, sometimes, as a freelancer, when you sign-up for work that requires you to give commit full-time on a long-term basis. In such a scenario if your client is overloaded with work and you do not have the gut to negotiate or speak up then chances are you will often end up doing more work then you initially committed to.

Undoubtedly, all the late night work and early morning work will pay off. Overtime work opens the door to success especially when you are a newbie. You may get a chance to learn something new every day, polish skills, and gain experience. However, I do not recommend you to do unpaid overtime as I would never do it myself. Whether you are experienced or just started off freelancing in your domain, you have the right to ask for overtime pay.

Here are some tips to avoid clients who ask you to indulge in unpaid overtime.

1. Negotiation at the Start

To avoid any sorts of arguments and conflicts, negotiation with the client is crucial. Negotiation can help you to avoid unpaid overtime. Although, it’s not that easy but can help you to clear all doubts, make sure you stay professional and polite in your dealings or you might end-up into an argument. Make the client aware before project’s confirmation, that if he wants you to do extra work then he must pay you for overtime. However, keep in mind that you are eligible to ask for overtime pay only if the workload is from client’s side. In contrary, if flaws are on your side such as you made mistakes, failed to follow requirements, or too slow to complete the task in required time then you cannot ask for overtime pay.

2. Polish Your Skills — Practice

Make sure you are an experienced freelancer. Overtime is the best opportunity to polish yourself until and unless you think that you deserve payment for overtime. As a freelancer, you deserve overtime payment when you are good enough to fulfill your employer requirements, satisfy him with your service at a stipulated time. Once he would be satisfied with your work, chances will be raised to get paid for extra work, because if you are not ready to work for nothing, but your employer is content with your service then he would definitely consider your demands.

3. Manage Time — Dodge Overtime

Time is money and you must manage your money in a way to avoid over expenditure or you may end up broke. Yes, you got it right, the next tip to stay ahead and avoid overtime is to manage your projects in a timely manner. Effective time management is the key to success in all aspects of life and the unconventional workforce must also understand that if they want to increase their income and lead a carefree life then they must manage their time. Before starting a project make a schedule and strive to accomplish task accordingly. Over time could be avoided if you complete your gig or reach milestone target at a specified time by following the schedule.

4. Go for Hourly Payment

You can negotiate to get paid on an hourly basis in two ways. First one is more practical and ethical that is, ask your client at the start of the project that you wish to be paid on an hourly basis and you will track time to get paid correctly. Then no matter how much time you spend on the project, you will be paid accordingly.

The second way could get you into trouble but when you realize the nature of client is harsh to handle or he is manipulating you to do work extra, be clever. Go for an automated process such as time tracking apps that are in trend in the freelance and on-demand community. Consider it an evidence to show your client that you have been worked overtime and demand the overtime pay.

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