Is Freelancers’ Future Secure?

GigTricks Team
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2018

One quick question; is the future of freelancers secure? Wait for a minute or two, ponder on this question for a while because the understanding after learning key information about this question will make you think in a unique pattern. This question will not only guide you to align your mindset according to this contemporary era of freelancing but also provide you with a guideline to follow when faced with dilemmas in life and career.

Most people in this era desire to be their own boss and stop following the guide of others. They feel that they have the potential of becoming something more valuable as a leader than merely just a follower of their employer.

If you think that your present 9 to 5 traditional job is safe and you’ll go broke if you step into the freelancing world. Well, I’m sorry but your perception is based on some very clichéd notions of freelancing which just aren’t true. Freelancing is more profitable, successful, secure and also more rewarding than your typical 9 to 5 job.

Are you one of those individuals who is just done with their lives and work in general? Do you struggle to find the motivation to do your work? Has work now become just a mundane task for you to be able to pay your bills and nothing more? If you answer yes to any of the above questions, then this blog is for you but even if you don’t and you are satisfied with your traditional job you might still want to read as this blog might change your perception about freelancing (for the better). So if you’re ready to get some new ideas on how to become a successful freelancer. Read on.

Stay Fearless as a Freelancer

People have a common perception about freelancing that there’s no job security but even a full-time job doesn’t offer that, there is fear of getting laid off, non-payment of services, and even losing the job when your company shifts its operations to some other country. If the company office is too far from your area of residence, it’ll become harder for you to work in that office as transportation today is not cheap and traffic jams have become an everyday problem.

However, if you choose to work as a freelancer, you could work from a local café, your bed, or even from another country as the location does not matter as long as you have a working laptop or desktop, good internet connection, and skills in your field. Freelancers have the power and freedom to decide, unfortunately, a traditional employee doesn’t.

Be Tricky & Organized!

As a freelancer, you could manage yourself by building a portfolio online on Tumblr or WordPress. You could also maintain an excel sheet to have all the projects that you have worked for in one place. You could have fun and color code them as well. Be creative with work. My advice for you is to keep your past projects, files, and clips with you and not delete them as they will help you in future when you want to show a sample of your work to a potential client. Relevant writing always comes in handy.

Shape Up Your Communication Skills!

In order to survive in this field, you need to have good communication skills and you need to be open-minded to advise and critique. As a freelancer, you will be working with a lot of people, different from you, highly diverse in nature. There is a lot of learning involved. Efficient work comes in handy when you’re interacting with others. Make sure that you have the communication skills to be able to smartly converse with people in this field. Equip yourself with ways to express yourself more efficiently and communicate more effectively.

Grow Through What You Go Through!

There’s a problem with the average day job, it can be very limiting. Employees are trained to stick to their positions and their ‘specialized tasks’ until they’re instructed otherwise and in a way, this division of labor leads to us abandoning our other skills. However, freelancers can always test themselves as there are no limitations to creativity. You could work on a number of different projects at the same time, keeping in mind your time management. Working on various projects will help you further enhance your creative skills and ideas and in this way, with every project that you would undertake you’ll be able to grow and learn. Alongside taking new projects you also have the room to explore your own skills and interests.

Unlimited Growth? — That’s Actually Possible!

As a freelancer, success is very much dependent on your skill set and in order to survive in the freelancing world you would have to make yourself an independent, highly specialized individual in not one but several skills at the same time. You will always be engaged in learning from different websites and from networking with professional people. Freelancers choose to work for themselves and their choice of career is often their passion. For freelancers, work is not a burden or a task allotted by someone so that they can pay their bills, rather it’s a fun and enjoyable task that they take up by themselves. Make sure to choose your clients wisely and you’ll have a ball.

Freelancing as fun as it sounds isn’t all sunshine and rainbows from the start. Like any other job out there, even in freelancing, you’ll struggle for quite a few months, there will be issues in landing projects and building a good client base but as you settle in you’ll soon be earning three to four times more than your regular job minus the office politics and constraints.

So in the end, it’s definitely worth it. You’ll be happy and content with your work and yourself which is the ultimate form of success. And what’s better than that? Since you are the hero of your skills, there won’t be an age limit for you should get retirement, you can work as long as you think you can deal with the projects and clients. So, yes a freelancers’ future may not be secured in terms of acquiring health insurance and provident funds from the organization as there isn’t one but with efficient planning, it can be better than the regular job.

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