GigTricks Team
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2018

The freelance and on-demand community’s rapid growth is no secret to anyone but do you know how it has changed the work habits in our society? And what factors participated in its growth? Well, for starters let’s first explore the past.

It became renowned since America’s economic downturn. Workers gave up on office work and started flocking towards freelance work. They found a thrill in being their own boss by completing online gigs. In the beginning, freelancers were very limited but with the passage of time, the gig industry gained momentum and has now grown globally and has extended immensely.

What is Gig Economy?

Previous to jumping on the detailing on how our work environment has been evolving, let’s first understand the term gig and what this industry represents. Gig economy is an environment where a professional do freelance work. U.S. Bureau of labor statistics’ used the term ‘contingent worker’ who engage in freelance work for short time employment. It is a platform where anyone with a work opportunity (small or big) can hire a worker on project-basis based on their relevant skills. An employee is paid for the contract given by the client.

Here are the factors that contributed to make the gig industry rise and people embrace its benefits in time at global scale.

1. Evolving Work Habits

Gig industry has changed working habits in a way that today, you don’t need to step back from your comfort zone. You can show-off your skills and portfolio, find gigs and earn all from the luxury of your home. Freelance and on-demand economy are showing promise as employees can escape from the traditional office environment where they have to spend the whole day working, for a fixed income. The gig industry is vast and it appreciates and acknowledges you based on your individual talents and skills; allowing you to take on the projects that you are best at. People are becoming a lot more open towards embracing the idea of working from home on their own terms.

2. No Degree! Who Cares?

Gig industry has extended remarkably over the last decade. It is the best opportunity for exploring skills and ideas at home. There is no need to be an expert in everything, as you’re judged based on your specific skills. For instance, for a t-shirt designing project, the client will go searching for a certified graphic designer who knows all kind of designing, but he would just find the person good at designing t-shirts.

Therefore, your chances for getting the gig are no more dependent on degrees only, but if you have a skill no matter how small it seems you can use it to your advantage and start earning your bread. This is the best thing regarding the gig economy.

3. People Enjoy Freedom

Everyone wish to have a flexible source of income. If you are doing an office job then you’re obligated to get up early, also you are not allowed to plan a vacation trip on weekdays with family except on weekends. Moreover, you are ordered to come to office on time otherwise your employer has the rights to deduct your salary. But working as a freelancer gives you the freedom to make plans without worry and take on work only when you like doing it.

4. Become Self Employed

Conversely, the gig industry has raised the opportunities to earn more money without being bossed around by your clients, you can take on work, whenever you are up to it, choose projects based on your passion and work on your own terms. It influences in a way that you are not bound to work in a typical eight-hour cycle on workdays. Students can also earn while freelancing to have a pocket change. Whereas, some people do it, to earn extra money regardless of their office job.

The growth of gig economy is rapid in last few decades. According to Business News Daily report, in 2005 the employment arrangement of U.S. was projected as 10.1 percent while freelance union’s 2017 projected value is nearly 57.3 million in America that is a 60 percent rise. It is an incredible achievement of gig industry. The reason for rising gig industry is that people love changes, different challenges, flexible time and need a balance in the middle of home and work.

GigTricks know the drill of the freelance and on-demand economy and with an understanding to acknowledge the current challenges of the unconventional workforce such as fraud and deception, it is launching world’s first integrate 360-degree ecosystem incorporating the blockchain technology.

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