Why is Managing Multiple Clients Tricky?

GigTricks Team
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2018

Every business owner’s dream is to have a steady supply of customers entering their businesses, and leaving it more joyful than they entered. Yes, there is a huge amount of specialized business-related stuff involved, however, everything comes down to offering excellent service to the individuals who require your services.

As a freelancer, you are your own business and just like any other business owner’s dream, it’s a freelancer’s dream to have a full book of customers. More customers mean more business and a steadier inflow of income but one problem that may arise is managing all these clients. And not properly managing the clients can turn into a nightmare for a freelancer as it can damage your repute.

As a freelancer, you have the freedom to work for as many clients as you want, that’s the beauty of this work. All things considered, dealing with numerous projects and diverse — sometimes even troublesome — clients, isn’t always that simple. All things considered, every single client will have their own desires, necessities, due dates, and spending plans. Which is why having multiple clients and juggling them without getting a mental breakdown is tricky. Fret not, with proper guidance from this article you’ll get through.

Are You Honest with Yourself?

Be honest with yourself, and get a better understanding of your strengths and your weaknesses. What are the things you’ll able to tick off the list quickly and what are the ones that will take up more of your time? Having the ability to calculate how, where and what you’ll have to invest your energy and assets on makes handling multiple projects much easier. You’ll have a clear mind map of how to go about your deadlines and if you keep that in mind and work you won’t run into any crisis.

Are You Honest with Your Client?

After you’ve been honest with yourself it’s time to get honest with your clients as well. Faking until you make it will only help you to an extent. From the very start, ask your clients all that you need to know about the project you’ll be working on. To better manage your workload while providing first class service, it’s important that you and your customer are in agreement. It’s better to get the following sorted before taking up a new project:

  • The desired results
  • Your duties
  • How regularly you will have to interact with the client
  • A reasonable timetable
  • Milestones & their respective payment

If you feel you need an extension don’t hesitate to contact the client and tell them about your reservations. But make sure you ask for that a reasonable time. Asking for an extension a day before the project deadline isn’t a very smart way to go. It’s imperative that you communicate clearly and regularly with your clients.

Are You Keeping Track of Your Work?

The thing that comes with handling multiple projects is losing track of their details. And if you’re not organized your work might end up in a disaster. Keep in mind those in-progress projects you’re working on for your clients. Make sure you have a framework for keeping tabs on their development and completion. Make smart use of technology and use google calendar or any medium you prefer to keep track of your various projects. Make a timeline and set goals so you can complete your projects on time. Prioritize your work according to its urgency and the amount the client will be paying it to you. Keep separate folders for every project so you don’t mix them up.

Have You Tried Dividing Your Workload?

Dividing hours of a day among different tasks might seem like the ideal way to divide your workload but it’s not exactly the smartest way. If it works for you, good but if you get frustrated will all those numerous projects another way could be to divide the workload into days. Allot specific days for specific clients. Say, for example, you have three clients A, B and C, B pays you the highest and the workload for that project is also the highest. You can assign 3 days of the week for client B and in those days only work on their project. In this way, you can save your mind from cluttering up.

While freelancing has its numerous advantages, one of the greatest drawbacks could be going up against an excessive number of clients when you just don’t have enough time in the day to devote to work. Sure, there is no spell that will magically handle all of the workloads. It all comes down to proper multi-tasking, time-management and taking up a reasonable project with time constraints in mind. Ensure you’re following these tricks to better deal with your customer load and keep your business running without bumps.

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