Happy New Year!

Gilbert Pellegrom
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
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1 min readJan 11, 2018

Hey everyone,

I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year 🎉🎆🎉 I spent lots of time with family and friends as well as eating way too much.

As has been my tradition for the last seven years now I like to spend a bit of time at the end of the year reflecting on the year that has been and looking forward to the year that is ahead. If you haven’t already seen it yet, you should check out my 2017 Year In Review post.

Anyway, I’ve decided I’m going to try to blog a bit more often in 2018 and I’m trying to decide what I should write about. If you have any ideas or would like to see me write about something in particular, please let me know.





Gilbert Pellegrom
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog

Software Engineer from Scotland. Founder of @Dev7studioshq. Web Developer at @dliciousbrains.