I’ve been an iPhone owner for 9 years. Why did I just pre-order a Pixel 2?

Gilbert Pellegrom
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
3 min readOct 5, 2017

Let me give you a bit of context. I’ve been an avid iPhone owner since I bought a 3G in 2008. I’ve loved iPhones since I first held one and earnestly upgraded to the new iPhone every 2 years (mostly skipping the “S” models). I currently own a Jet Black iPhone 7 as well as many other Apple products including a Series 1 Apple Watch, AirPods, an iPad Pro and a 2016 MacBook Pro.

So why did I just pre-order Google’s new Pixel 2 phone? Well let me explain.

The iPhone is expensive and bloated

For some time now it has been clear that, while Apple has dominated the phone market in terms of overall experience (i.e. the combination of hardware + software) for the last decade, other manufacturers are finally catching up and offering products that offer serious competition to the iPhone. The Pixel 2, Samsung Galaxy S8 and the Essential are all examples of stunning looking phones with comparable hardware specs and a solid experience.

This, combined with the fact that the iPhone hasn’t really changed much for the last 3 models (6, 7, 8) has been enough to make me consider switching. I wouldn’t even consider buying the 8 (I’m not really sure why they even launched the 8 apart from to offer a cheaper alternative to the X). Don’t get me wrong I love the look of the iPhone X and, at this point, it’s the only thing making me think twice about moving away from the iPhone. But the hefty price tag plus the now pretty bloated iOS software makes me wonder if it is really worth it.

I already use Google software

Another big consideration that is allowing me to make the switch is that, in terms of software lock-in, I’m Google all the way (and have been for some time). I currently use Google Mail, Calendar, Photos, Keep, Maps, Drive, Docs etc. all pretty much on a daily basis. I don’t need iCloud for anything at this point and so I’m happy to be able to move away without any issue. Google’s software is definitely a cut above the rest and some of the things they’re doing with AI is pretty incredible (e.g. Google Assistant is way better than Siri).

I’m ready for a change

You see, in many ways I’m just ready for a change. Ready to try something new. Be adventurous and all that. Yes it means I’ll need to ditch my Apple Watch and my AirPods, but I’m ok with that. I don’t feel the Apple vendor lock-in has me in it’s grips any more.

I’ll still have my iPad Pro for any “iOS only” things that I want to check out. And I’m not committing to leave the Apple ecosystem entirely (I love my iPad and MacBook Pro) or even indefinitely (I’m open to going back to the iPhone in the future). But it’s time to try something different.

Now I just have to wait 5–6 weeks to receive my Pixel 2 😥



Gilbert Pellegrom
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog

Software Engineer from Scotland. Founder of @Dev7studioshq. Web Developer at @dliciousbrains.