DADA is the New Porn

Renato Gabriele
Gilda 35
Published in
7 min readJul 11, 2014


“They said UK Censorship come for Porn!!”, then they do come for Dada

Dada is the New Porn

They said “UK Censorship is here for the Porn!!”. Then they do come for Dada. The Uk Censorship System, thanks to TalkTalk Uk and AOL UK, showed up some concerns about Dada stuff for the safety of Uk citizen: banning the Dadaist Satire’s blog of Since July 2.

An immeasurable source of LULZ for a Dadaist community. What a surprise seeing then censor kinda ‘Pulcinella’ of the Web! Despite being a collective project about Dadaist performances on the net, it flashed the entire community of Gilda35's Researchers and Readers, for the lulz I mean.

Like we like to do it at Dada community, we opened bottles of wine and tons of popcorn boxes when the Official Page of the Open Rights Group showed up the official ban of the dadaist satire’s blog in the Uk.

This come a couple of days later when TalkTalk unlocked only for a few ours the DNS domain before lock it down again…

Did I say their satire’s blog is related to Italian’s facts and written entirely in a language that their protected citizens cannot understand at all?

Since then, they tried to reach censors and official’s Accounts Manager of both TalkTalk Uk and AOL UK without any results for many days. Despite their ridiculous answers, it was only last night they got evidence about life at both companies.

Translation… That’s really kinda: “how are we soo good in monitoring social sentiment and so fascist with satire and dadaism, yo”.

But as you’ll see it’s only marketing crap, having never checked what they were actually banning or even answering with any statements to direct requests. They never informed the owners of the domains like usual happens. BTW thanks our Uk’s friends that promptly informed Gilda35 about what it was going on. That’s is how it works the censorship system is well established.

Enjoy it and play with it!

The worst part of their censorship management raised up when they started to receive tweets and messages from the Internet about it. Not sure if they realized about their misleading, but surely they become nervous. Being Gilda35 involved in the past with the #freegary campaign, for evidence of unjustice against Gary McKinnon. Described with their ‘The Boy who played with UFO’. Or about the dadaist sabotage of European 2014 Election, by example. This one quoted too by our national news after our talk at the Italian Hackmeeting 2014, last week.

‘Searching for the lost black-op…”

Timeline of events

3 July, domain unblocked and marked like censored previously
  • 28 June: Public talk by Gilda35 about a year of Cyber Dadaist performances against political social events, quoted and shared too by the national press and online media
  • 2 July: TalkTalk Uk establish a full block of the domain
  • 3 July: TalkTalk Uk released the domain but officially marked like banned
  • 9 July: TalkTalk Uk re-establish a full block again on the domain of
10 July, domain got kid-safe block
  • 10 July: TalkTalk Uk, after some reactions, changed the ‘full block’ in ‘Kidsafe block’ on the domain
  • 10 July: come up too AOLUK (?) in support of TalkTalk Uk, after our public concerns about their misconducts, asking for official email contacts
  • 10 July: TalkTalk Uk says the ban come up for unknown violations of their policy, like explained at their webpage and quoted in their messages (weird, at the moment that page is no more available reaching it from our location): Hey mate, how can you change days later, and so many times, the reasons of your ban? Are you kidding?
10 July, during the night it got full block again
  • 10 July overnight: TalkTalk Uk restored a “Full block” of the domain dropping the “Kid safe” ban, removing referral of previous “kid safe” block: did they another mistake?
  • 11 July: despite they received in public and privatly requested contacts by them… no actions were done, nor replies.
  • 12 July: Despite their customer care lie TalkTalk Uk and AOL Uk didn’t replied in any way. Now their Twitter timelines are polluted (follow Updates 2 at the end of this Medium’s post).
  • 13 July: TalkTalk Uk, did an #epicfail about Social Care mixing their accounts with AOLUK’s accounts but in the same conversation with customers. Talk Talk Uk had to declare: We own and managed AOLUK, so we misused our accounts, sorry.

It’s official: Dadaism and Cyber Dadaism are dangerous for all internet users in United Kingdom. “if your life doesn’t make sense, go —Dada—”

Lessons to learn from Uk Censorship system

The system works without control, not only from a process analysis point of view but for real facts like described previously. Managed by procedure that doesn’t involve real verification of requests. And it fails too in managing communications, having started a censor system without a procedure that involve censored entities. When contacted, using too social engineering way, you’ll have evidence that you are out of the system.

You learn about it, if lucky in learning it, that you are guilty for unknown reasons, reported by unkown entity and judged by nobody. And it’s not a Kafka’s book but the results of the European Digital Agenda and the expression for your Freedom. Freedom to block. Freedom of being censored by what we call the BotnetDemocracy. At the end you’ll have to talk with every single telco, out of any kind of procedures and rights. Through their Customer Care, and you know what I mean right?

The magic UK Censor System is giving away the power to annoyed workers, more happy in satisfying anonymous requests than avoiding risks of wrong blocks and mistakes. The citizens can be ripped away from valuable tools. All websites can be blocked because it can start from unverified requests, by someone that wrongly clicked the mouse. Or becoming victims of web’s squatters, like happens frequently and you can google about it.

“They Said “We Come for Porn!” Then They Come DaDa”

Previously it was quite complex to get down website following official procedures, with lawyers and judges like previously everyone have to do. The Internet Community spent years and years in having NetNeutrality, Freedom of Speech, Digital Agenda for the growth and the evolution of our society. Than it come censorship at a glance. Not only in Uk, but lots of other democratic countries like in Italy too. They all started with a wide national censor system that “do not require and any judge or any public function of censoring procedures. And without involving the victims of the system at all level. Neither informing them”.

Did I say their satire’s blog is related to Italian’s facts and entirely wrote in a language that their protected citizens cannot understand at all?

Or do we have to think they have really found something so dangerous on, for the entire nation, to keep it off from their eyes?

I’m here to listen to you, your opinion or any other comments. Raise up your voice, write notes on this Medium and tell us what you think about this case, related cases. And remember… Go DADA!

Let us share some quotes from the past

Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together, we won’t have as much censorship because we won’t have as much fear.” Judy Blume, as quoted in Good Advice (1993) by William Safire

They can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safetyBenjamin Franklin, Historycal Review of Pennsylvania (1759)

All censorships exist to prevent anyone form challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.” George Bernard Shaw

Update 2:

Waiting signs of life, their Timelines show up some social pollution:



Renato Gabriele
Gilda 35

Independent researcher in digital privacy & security / founder of Observatory of online Harassment & Media manipulation, @Oohmm_org #comprop #bigdata #AI #ML