September Teacher Feature: Traci Dougherty

Kelli Garland
The Gimkit Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2019

I figured out Traci Dougherty’s secret.

“I think you might be a super human” I told the Latin Teacher from Sandy Run Middle School in Dresher, Pennsylvania. “If you are, please let me be your sidekick.”

“Yes you can be my sidekick!” She replied. “Teacher Traci and KitKelli: creating Kits, content, and saving the world — one student at a time!”

Traci sharing her super Gimkit skills

She was kidding, of course, but after learning more about her personal and professional passions, how deeply she cares for her work and students, and how very very busy she is… I’m convinced that she is, in fact, super human.

Traci’s hero origin story starts with a career in higher education at the University of Pennsylvania. She developed a passion for Assessment, Reporting and Systems/Data Analytics. She was drawn to her current field of teaching from the private sector because the notion of constant evolution appealed to her. I couldn’t agree more when she said “Technology, trends, and tasks are ever evolving and entirely refresh the classroom experience.”

It was Traci’s fascination with classroom technology that led her to Gimkit (and gosh are we lucky that it did!).

“Once that I saw how easy the process was to create a “Kit” and what the live game experience was like, I was hooked. Gimkit has changed my classroom. I have: created new instructional content (movie talk with the Kit cover), identified learning gaps (using reports), and differentiated my instruction and homework (using assignments). Better yet, I am able to do all of that while I strengthen class community through play. Meeting the needs of all students and making sure they have what they need to be successful is a challenge for even the most seasoned educator but Gimkit makes it that much easier!”

Gimkit might make it easier, but the herculean task of assuring student success is a skill built into the fiber of Traci’s being. She is dedicated to engaging with her students. Traci loves educating at the middle school level, especially sixth grade. When asked what drove her passion for teaching, Traci answered “I really enjoy working with young people. I learn just as much from them about the world as they do from me.”

And what does this extraordinary educator enjoy doing when she is not learning from, and teaching, her students? Why, more teaching of course! Traci presents about what she is doing in the classroom to other teachers at local, regional, and national conferences throughout the country. She is considered a leader in her field and serves on various task forces and committees for the American Classical League, a professional organization of Latin teachers. And with a goal to present in all 50 states, you can hopefully see by now where my super human theory stems from.

You’d think there wouldn’t be much time left after all of that, but for a super human, it’s just a piece of the puzzle. Traci still takes time for her hobbies: reading, watching movies/tv shows, and going to Long Beach Island. Her favorite things to do include playing soccer, and spending time with her family and black lab Shepard dogs Lola and Maddie.

… someone get this woman a cape!

All jokes aside, Traci posses the one trait needed to exude success; passion. And the world really is better for it.

Traci sums it up simply and beautifully herself:

“I want to share my passion with other students and teachers — whether that be my love of the Latin language or my love of pedagogy.”

Everyone at Gimkit is honored to benefit from your passion, Traci. Thanks for advocating for us and for sharing your insights and opinions. We are proud that Gimkit gets to be a sidekick in your super classroom.

Traci’s Gimkit Tips and Tricks

  • Blind Kits: for introducing new content that the students have not seen and establishing a baseline
  • Exit ticket Kits: to see how much students took away from the day’s lesson
  • Kitcollab Kits: to create and review for a test as a class (Danielson rubric)

And, her personal favorite…

“Secret Teacher”:

I log in to the game and sneakily play as the absent student in the room. I use the negative power ups on the students who always win to help level the playing field and boost the students at the bottom. It generally takes a while for the class to figure out that it’s actually me playing. I’ll never forget when Ari yelled,” Miles, why did you freeze me ughhhhh!” He turned around to look at Mile’s chair, which was empty since Miles was absent. Then Ari said, “Ughh guys, Miles is playing at home!” Once they know I am playing, then the mystery is to figure out which student I am playing as in the game.

