Strategy Session: Chatting Portfolio Protection with Greg Harmon

Sean McLaughlin
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2017

In a previous blog post, I sought some feedback on some dynamic portfolio hedging ideas I had to protect my delta-neutal, short premium portfolio in the event volatility ever returns to the stock market. (I’m being sarcastic… of course volatility will return, but when?)

I thought I’d reach out to my good friend and one of the smartest options traders I know, Greg Harmon (@harmongreg on StockTwits/twitter), to pick his brain on smart ideas to hedge.

And I’m glad I did. He gave me some wonderful ideas I hadn’t considered.

If you’re like me and looking for ways to sleep easier at night the next time volatility pops it’s head above water, then you should give this chat with Greg a listen:

The Gimme Some Options podcast recently launched! It’s a mostly daily broadcast which dives into the options trades I made each day and why, as well as occasional interviews with other options traders. I seek to learn from everyone and share stories that will educate, enlighten, entertain, or scare you right out of your pants.

Archives are available on Soundcloud and you can subscribe on iTunes.



Sean McLaughlin

Independent Stocks & Options Trader. Senior Market Strategist @ Trade Ideas. Chief Options Strategist @ All Star Charts.