Welcome XRP!

The Ginco Team


We are proud to announce that XRP is now supported in Ginco from August 6th. (available from v1.5.0)

As many of you know, XRP is ranked in the third place in the cryptocurrency market cap.

Market cap: $11,165,317,575

Check the Ripple official website from here

XRP is positioned as the “bridge currency”, which design is aimed to realize instant payment.

It takes only about 4 seconds to complete the transaction, and could bear up to 1500 transactions per seconds, which is nearly same amount of transaction processed in the credit card company’s servers. This is why XRP is expected to be used in the financial businesses.

Check out the XRP’s vision from here.

Note upon opening a XRP account in Ginco

When you want to deposit XRP in your wallet, user need to pay a certain fee called “reserve” in order to activate the account.

Currently, this reserve is set at 20 XRP. Once it is paid, you could not retrieve this 20 XRP from your wallet. Please note that Ginco does not display the 20 XRP consumed as a reserve in the balance section inside our wallet.

Once your XRP account is activated, you are ready to deposit XRP freely.Please check the following reference to learn more about Reserves.

About Reserves

About sending XRP to exchanges

When you try to send XRP to exchanges from Ginco, some exchanges might ask you for the “Destination Tag”. Destination Tag is an information used to indicate and sort the type of transaction. When sending XRP to exchanges, in some cases, you would be asked to enter the Destination Tag designated by exchanges. (This depends on how exchanges manage their XRP) Please understand that you could send XRP to Ginco without entering Destination Tag.

About security and design specification for XRP

Your private key is only inside your device. Your private key would not be sent to servers. Ginco’s XRP wallet references the following items.

How to export private key & address

Library used to support XRP

Only our board members are authorized to release the app. As our board members are responsible for our growth, Ginco would not submit the unlawful source code to the application platform and release it to our customers.

Please check another article to understand more about our security.


