ginerva fiori
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2023


The Eternal Influence of Ancient Rome in Urban Planning: Santa Maria del Fiore and Chicago

Urban planning is an intricate art form that shapes cities, defining their layout, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. Ancient Rome stands as a timeless model that has influenced urban landscapes across centuries. By exploring the lasting importance of Ancient Rome in urban planning, we can draw comparisons between the iconic Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy, and the vibrant city of Chicago, United States. By examining their architectural marvels and underlying theories, we uncover the lasting legacy of Ancient Rome in shaping urban environments.

Ancient Rome: Architectural Marvel and Theory:

The ancient Romans revolutionized urban planning with their expertise in infrastructure, public spaces, and governance. Their cities featured well-defined street grids, intricate water supply and sewage systems, and grand public structures like the Colosseum and the Pantheon.

These designs facilitated efficient transportation, sanitation, and public gatherings, laying the foundation for modern urban planning. Additionally, the Romans developed architectural theories emphasizing functionality, proportion, and harmonious integration within urban landscapes, creating aesthetically pleasing and functional cities.

Santa Maria del Fiore: A Renaissance Revival and Theory:

In Florence, the Santa Maria del Fiore, or the Duomo, is a testament to urban planning inspired by Ancient Rome. Filippo Brunelleschi’s 15th-century dome drew inspiration from the architectural techniques of the Pantheon, showcasing the eternal relevance of Roman design principles.

The dome’s construction exemplified architectural theories of proportion, balance, and structural integrity, combining ancient principles with Renaissance aesthetics. The Santa Maria del Fiore beautifully bridges the architectural theories of Ancient Rome with the advancements of the Renaissance.

Chicago: A Modern Metropolis Anchored in Theory:

Chicago, a vibrant city in the United States, demonstrates the enduring influence of Ancient Rome on urban planning in a contemporary context. Daniel Burnham, a renowned architect and urban planner of the late 19th century, envisioned a city that echoed the grandeur and ordered spaces of Ancient Rome.

His plan for Chicago embraced wide boulevards, expansive parks, and iconic architectural landmarks. The city’s downtown grid system, incorporated open spaces like Millennium Park, and monumental architecture reflect the principles of Roman architectural theory. Burnham’s vision transformed Chicago into a modern metropolis that pays homage to the timeless legacy of Ancient Rome.

The importance of Ancient Rome in urban planning remains undeniable. Roman influence is still recognizable in cities worldwide. The Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence and the city of Chicago are remarkable examples that showcase the enduring impact of Ancient Roman design principles. These structures, driven by architectural theories of proportion, balance, and functionality, epitomize the harmonious integration of ancient concepts with contemporary advancements.

As we shape cities for the future, it is crucial to recognize and honor the timeless legacy of Ancient Rome. By drawing inspiration from its architectural theories, we can create urban landscapes that are not only visually stunning but also functional and sustainable and enhance the quality of life for their inhabitants. The echoes of Ancient Rome continue to guide urban planners in their quest to shape cities that stand as testaments to the enduring brilliance of urban design.

Lesson learned- Sheer grit and determination are crucial for success.



ginerva fiori

Professional student. Forever evolving. Over-thinker. Fancies inappropriate colloquialisms. Lover of philosophy and architecture. Always ready for a debate.