The Quilt Series — Deanna Croaker

Justin Wilson
2 min readDec 16, 2020

Red Dress Quilt — 1st in a series of quilts designed and sewn to illustrate issues and views of the Anishinaabe. The dresses are done in various fabrics reminiscent of the styles our mothers and grandmothers wore. The Red dress is an awareness for our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Woman. Our local chapter of Missing Flowers is represented by the blue and red floral borders. The white arrows are symbolic of the fight and strength of our people to overcome and protect each other.

Two Feathers Quilt: This is the 2nd in the series from #3, and represents the sacredness and strength of our Two-Spirited ones. Then braided ropes in the center are to show the strength we have as a people when we come together.

Turtle Quilt: The 3rd in the series embodies the overall worldview and beliefs of the Anishinaabe. From Mikinaak holding then earth with the sun shining on her back as she rests on then water, to our 4directions and colors. They swirl around her in the same way many life cycles are at different stages throughout our lives.



Justin Wilson

Proud Indigenous American pursuing an education in counseling providing a support system for today’s youth. Current editor for LLTC’s student publication.