Thoughts from Cell one-eleven (111)

Ann Cloud
Dec 9, 2020

by anonymous

I go by the name of Devin,

And these are my thoughts from cell one-eleven

My life hasn’t been easy, but it hasn’t been too hard

I’ve lived through a lot of physical and emotional scars

As a kid I’ve always dreamed and aimed for the stars

But day in day out all I see is brick walls and bars

It aint all bad, so I keep my nose to the sky

They can’t hold me forever, still it hurts to hear my family cry

Sometimes I feel down on my luck, and I ask “why do I try?”

Then I hear my brothers Jordy’s voice “Find the beauty out of life”

Because someone, somewhere will always have it worse than you.



Ann Cloud

My name is Ann Cloud, I am an enrolled member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe pursuing an AA in Liberal Education at the Leech Lake Tribal College and I will a