A quick chat w Chatgpt about NFTs.

Samet Duman
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2022

ChatGPT (generative pre-training) is an AI chatbot system akin to the automated customer support chats seen online. It is, however, a massive step up as it isn’t limited to several answer options that can be frustrating.

I’m totally shocked w its answers. The future is coming faster than we expected. Here are the results:

Are NFTs the future?

It’s difficult to predict the future of any technology or market. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have gained a lot of attention recently, but it’s not clear what the future holds for them. Some people believe that NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the way we own and trade digital assets, while others are more skeptical. Ultimately, it will depend on how they are used and how well they are adopted by the broader market.

What do you mean by adoption?

In this context, adoption refers to the process of people or organizations using and becoming familiar with a new technology or product. For example, if many people start using NFTs and become familiar with them, it could be considered high adoption of the technology. On the other hand, if relatively few people use NFTs, it could be considered low adoption. Adoption is an important factor in determining the success or failure of a new technology or product.

How long does it take ?

It’s difficult to say how long it will take for NFTs to be widely adopted, if at all. The rate at which new technologies are adopted can vary greatly, depending on a number of factors such as the technology itself, how it is marketed and promoted, and how it compares to existing solutions. Some technologies are quickly embraced by the market, while others may take longer to catch on. In the case of NFTs, it remains to be seen how quickly they will be adopted and how they will be used in the future.

Which generation will be more familiar w NFTs?

It’s difficult to predict which generation will be more familiar with #NFTs, as it will depend on a variety of factors such as how quickly the technology is adopted and how it is marketed and promoted. Some younger generations, such as Generation Z, may be more open to using and experimenting with new technologies, while older generations may be slower to adopt them. Ultimately, the familiarity with NFTs will depend on how the technology is used and how well it is understood by people of different ages.



Samet Duman

Co-Founder & CEO of Ginoa.io | Entrepreneur | Historical NFT Collector | mrduman.eth