2023 Election Results: Here’s Who Won (And Lost) On Tuesday

Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2023

The 2023 election results are in!

Voters in 37 states went to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots in several local and statewide races.

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats across the country: the party managed to score several unlikely wins in deep-red states.

Want to know what happened in the 2023 election? Here’s a quick GIF recap of who won and lost on Tuesday.

Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear wins reelection in Kentucky

In Kentucky, incumbent Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear won reelection Tuesday, defeating Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

Beshear defeated Cameron by five percentage points with 52.5% of the vote.

Beshear’s victory was a blow to Kentucky Republicans: the state voted for Trump in 2020 by 26 points.

Beshear also managed to expand his margin of victory in 2023: he won his first election in 2019 by just 0.37 percentage points.

Ohio enshrines abortion as a constitutional right

Ohioans on Tuesday voted to pass Issue 1, enshrining abortion as a constitutional right in the state.

Several outlets called the race Tuesday night; Ohioans voted to pass Issue 1 by 13.2 percentage points with 56.6% of the vote.

Ohio is now the seventh state to codify abortion as a constitutional right since the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.

More abortion rights referendums are on the horizon: according to the Cincinnati Enquirer, Florida and Arizona could vote on the issue in 2024.

Virginia Democrats win full control of the statehouse

Virginia Democrats also won big Tuesday night as they flipped the state House, taking full control of the General Assembly.

Virginia Democrats flipped the state House with a 51–48 seat majority; one seat has yet to be called, as of Wednesday morning.

Democrats also managed to defend their majority on the state Senate with a 21–19 seat majority.

Virginia Senator-elect Danica Roem makes history

Virginia Del. Danica Roem made history Tuesday night as the first transgender person to be elected to the state Senate.

Roem was elected to represent Virginia’s 30th District by four percentage points with 52% of the vote.

Roem also made history on another front: she is the first transgender person to ever be elected to the state Senate in the South.

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves wins reelection

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves won reelection to the governor’s mansion Tuesday, defeating Democrat Brandon Presley.

Reeves won reelection by 4.6 percentage points with 51.6% of the vote.

Reeves underperformed his 2019 margin of victory: he first won election to office by 5.1 percentage points with 51.9%.

Philadelphia Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker makes history

In Philadelphia, Democrat Cherelle Parker made history as the first woman to be elected mayor.

Parker defeated Republican David Oh by 49.2 percentage points with 74.6% of the vote. She will be the city’s 100th mayor.

Parker is no stranger to historic firsts: in 2005, she made history as the youngest Black woman elected to the state House.

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