Take a Trip Around the World With These 2024 Election GIFs

Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2024

2024 is finally here, and people across the globe are anticipating what some have dubbed “the biggest global election year in history.”

Bold claim? Hardly: in 2024, 78 countries representing 4.2 billion people will hold elections to decide who controls the seats of power in government. From India to the United States, 2024 is looking to be a consequential election year for the world — one that, as Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa warned, could decide “whether democracy lives or dies.”

In anticipation of this year’s elections, GIPHY Arts has commissioned several GIFs and Stickers from artists Ishmael Arias Pinto and Percolate Galactic calling on people across the world to vote. Below, you’ll find their work, along with a fast fact or translation contextualizing their GIFs.


Election: Lok Sabha (House of the People)

India marks voters’ fingers with ink as a safeguard against double-voting. The ink is made from a secret recipe in the city of Mysore in India.
“Vote carefully, tell everyone proudly!”


Election: National Assembly

According to the BBC, Botswana is Africa’s “longest continuous multi-party democracy.” The country has been governed by the Botswana Democratic Party since its independence.
61 National Assembly seats are up for election in 2024; a simple majority of 31 seats is needed to win control of the government.


Election: Presidency, House of Representatives, Regional Representative Council

Indonesia marks voters’ pinky fingers with ink to signify that they’ve voted.
Indonesians use nails to mark their ballots at the polls. Read this Vice piece by Yvette Tanamal for more context on use of nails to vote.

South Korea

Election: National Assembly

Voters in South Korea use a stamp with the character 卜 to mark their ballots. Copy translation: “Vote for your future”
“Let’s vote!”


Election: Presidency, Legislative Yuan

“Come and vote!”
“Voting day is coming!”


Election: National Assembly

All 70 seats in Mauritius’s National Assembly are up for election. The election is scheduled to be held on November 30, 2024.
“Election Day”

South Africa

Election: National Assembly

South Africa is expected to hold its elections this summer. The date has yet to be decided.
All 400 seats in South Africa’s National Assembly are up for election. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s African National Congress currently holds a majority 230 seats.


Election: Presidency, Senate, Chamber of Deputies

Mexico is scheduled to hold its elections on June 2, 2024. This year’s race could see the election of Mexico’s first woman president.
96 million people are registered to vote in Mexico, according to Statista.

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