Learning React with GDI SF: Student Spotlight on Ann Chan

Truc Nguyen
Girl Develop It San Francisco
2 min readAug 2, 2017

What inspired you to take a class with GDI?
I have always wanted to take my programming skills to the next level so I can contribute more at Indemand, the startup I co-founded and have been bootstrapping.

As the only designer in our 4 people startup, I have been helping out with the front-end development of our apps alongside our CTO. Since I design all the apps, I move fast with the markup and styling. However, I always hit these roadblocks when it comes to using our frameworks and writing logic, and I need to pile more tasks for our CTO.

I thought our team can build the product so much quicker if I were a more skilled front-end developer. When I heard about the Intro to React class, I signed up for it immediately since I have been dabbling in our React app for 6 months without a real understanding of React.

What did you get out of the class?
I learned a lot from the class, it has been intense! I have learned and practised ES6, the React framework, and how to structure an app using components. I also created a React app from scratch which is called “GDI Instagram” and practised writing functions and classes.

The best part is to observe the instructors live code and explain how things work step by step. It gave me a deeper understanding on why things are written in certain way. Also, I have met other amazing female engineers from the class. It was a great networking opportunity and I will definitely think of GDI when we need to start hiring engineers.

How are you going to apply the learnings from it to your work or future projects?
With more further study, I am confident that I can work on most things in our React app on my own. Now looking at our app, I see so many more opportunities to create components and create more reusable parts in our code.

Also, I have been thinking about a side project for a while. The idea still needs more fleshing out, but I want to make a Tinder for places. Basically, I want to get myself and other people to explore more places in their lifetime and not live in computers. So, you date with places! I think I will explore React Native to build this app.

Ann Chan, GDI Student Scholarship Recipient, Startup Co-Founder & Designer

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Truc Nguyen
Girl Develop It San Francisco

Product Designer, organizer, cat herder. Fitness enthusiast, college radio fan, and gourmand. Affiliations: @AppDynamics