3 Careers that Connect STEM and Art

Camilla Rodriguez
Girl Genius
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2023

Have you ever thought that your two fields of interest, STEM and Art, were completely different? If so, you (fortunately) are very wrong. There are many careers that are in the field of STEAM. Creativity is typically thought to be exclusive to those pursuing art centered careers, while logic as for those in STEM. However, both are often required to find success. Many jobs combine the two fields, so you won’t have to sacrifice your creativity for the sake of working in STEM. If this interests you, read on to learn about three such careers below. :


Architecture requires a strong foundation in science (specifically environmental), technology, engineering, and mathematics. It also needsrequires a strong sense of creativity and competent drafting and technical design skills in various mediums. To become a registered architect, you will either need a Bachelors of Architecture or a Masters of Architecture with an unrelated undergraduate degree. You also must complete at least three years of an internship under an accredited architect, which can be completed during your undergraduate years. Lastly, you must complete the Architect Registration Examination. Although this career may seem like a lot of work, it is one of the most rewarding, as your creations will last for years to come.

An Architect’s hand drafting on paper.

Video Game Designer

Video game designers develop the backstories, characters, and visuals of video games. As a video game designer, you will combine STEM skills with art skills in order to collaborate with others to create a final game. For example, you will collaborate with the actual developers of the game who do the programming to establish how the functions of the game will be carried out. If possible, you should try to get a bachelors degree in video game development, but many designers have degrees in computer science, visual arts, 2d and 3d animation, or software engineering.

A female gamer sitting at her PC.

Product Designer

Product Designers work on maximizing the efficiency and usefulness of a product. You will prototype and test products in order to ensure that they are both functional and visually pleasing. Art is mostly used in the aesthetic portion of this job, although as a product designer, your main focus will be on how useful a product is rather than how it looks. For example, a phone may be aesthetically pleasing, but a product designer works to make sure that it is ergonomic and resistant to damage. The job also requires you to think creatively and have sufficient anatomy knowledge to create ergonomic designs. The majority of product designers have a bachelor’s degree in a design-related field, like graphic design, and have experience with consumer psychology.

A female product deisnger designing a product on her laptop.

Although society may often push the message that STEM and Arts are opposites these careers demonstrate how the two are extremely connected. If you find yourself interested in both, there are many careers out there for you.

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