Why I Dress Up Every Day and The Reason Will Surprise You

It’s because this is all I own after having to start my life over

Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Girl, Get Your Shit Together
5 min readFeb 26, 2021


As the Zoom call for an upcoming podcast wrapped up, my co-host and I chatted with our featured guest. We had just finished interviewing a fellow writer/blogger. Someone who had made a name for herself as a relationship coach and had published a couple of books. I’d been a long-time admirer of hers, but until this interview, I’d only messaged her.

Now that the recording was over, we chatted and got to know one another better. It was then that the guest complimented me.

“You are always so put together,” she said. “So dressed up.”

I smiled but froze, not sure what to say.

Yes, these days, I tend to dress up. There’s a reason for that — something most people would never guess.

It’s because I don’t own many clothes. Some people need a spare bedroom to hold all of their options. Though that has never been true for me, these days, in my tiny studio closet, there’s room to spare. My top shelves aren’t chucked-full, and a dresser for undergarments and gym attire is unnecessary.

Our podcast guest didn’t know that 19 months ago, I fled another country with only two large suitcases; electronic…



Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Girl, Get Your Shit Together

Psychologist & Author of LOVE YOU MORE. Follow on Tiktok/IG for narcissistic abuse tips & advice. Email: hello@kerrymcavoyphd.com