Suhana Thakur ❤
Girl Up Heron
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2020

As much as people you care for need you, you need yourself too!

Aren’t there times when you get so emotionally drained for or because of someone else and there is so much disruption in your sense of self that you nearly start losing YOU! Sometimes in the process of being there for others and caring about everyone’s opinions we forget to look out for the most important piece of our existence, our very own selves!

Well we’ve heard enough about self-love, from a tonne of popstars to #InstagramInfluencers and every second person on social media .There’s a lot going around already, right?

But in true sense just spare a minute and think! How harsh have you been on yourself in life just because of all the different opinions that surrounded you and how easily did you wear the clutches of stereotype just because you were not brave enough to accept and embrace yourself. How often do you want a different body? How often do you fear being judged? How often do you think everyone else is better than you?… There’s no end to self-doubt until and unless you allow self-love to step in.

Often, when we think of selflove we see a pretty process, we might also end up picturing relaxing baths, delicious food, cool clothes and the list doesn’t end. Well, I would definitely not deny enjoying this totally aesthetic process, but is self-love just treating oneself to milk and honey?

Sometimes it is as simple as forgiving yourself, complimenting yourself, having a healthy meal or getting a full night’s sleep. It isn’t just the glitters and gold.

The truth is, acceptance of reality and generation of an equally accepting flow with it is the most important and perpetual factor for self-love. Trust yourself, believe in yourself, make big humongous mistakes, learn and move forward. Stop being a judgemental critic of your own self! Self-love doesn’t mean you get to do anything without thinking of the consequence, it doesn’t teach us to be oblivious of our own actions. All it asks us to do is to stop scrutinizing every flaw in our own wireframe. Stop loving and unloving yourself like the phases of the moon, give yourself love that is unconditional.

Be passionate, be driven, be content, be selfless, be anything you want; just don’t forget to be yourself! Keep your demons in check, strive to be a better person each day and keep reminding yourself to make your well-being a priority.

Let this discovery of self-love be an epiphany that leads you to a brighter tomorrow. Be your own euphoria.


Let nothing dim the light that shines from within- Maya Angelou

