Registration & Resources

Mrs. G
Girls Go CyberStart
2 min readDec 2, 2019

With Girls Go CyberStart registration open, it’s time to share some tips on how to sign up and get ready to rock Girls Go CyberStart 2020!

Before you start, consider one question that is KEY to a successful start with any online competition:

> What email address will you use to register?

Most competitions, including Girls Go Cyberstart, require that participants be able to receive and reply to a verification email. This confirmed email address enables players to be uniquely identified, to reset their account password and to receive updates about the competition. However many school-issued email accounts have restrictions or blocks on emails from outside the school domain. Teachers and students can become frustrated waiting for the verification email, not realizing that a school filter has stopped receipt.

So the first task before starting the registration process is to make sure that you will be able to receive emails from Here are some options to consider:

  • If you are a teacher, ask the school IT department to whitelist the * domain.
  • Use a private email address such as Gmail.
  • Create a new email just for participation in Girls Go CyberStart (but then make sure you check it regularly!)

Student Registration — girls with many types of interests will enjoy Girls Go CyberStart! Whether you are good at math, languages, music or you love solving puzzles — all those talents can help you solve the Girls Go CyberStart cyber challenges. Why not recruit your friends and have even more fun playing together?
New student registration — go through the easy steps here
Returning student registration — if you played in a previous Girls Go CyberStart, you can sign in here using your old email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, use the “Forgot Password” option to get a reset email.

Advisor Registration and Club Access Codes — A Club Advisor can be any teacher, administrator or adult associated with a school or organization. No tech skills are required from you, just a passion and enthusiasm for helping your students learn. When an Advisor registers, this automatically creates a club. Distribute your club access code directly to interested girls PLUS hang posters with the info to recruit more broadly in your school.
Video walkthrough for new Club Advisors registration
Video walkthrough for returning Club Advisors registration

Resources — Club Advisors can download resources like posters, letters to parents, advisor guides, student flyers, or club sign-up sheets from

CyberStart Go is a great way to give girls a peek at how much fun it is to solve puzzles and cybersecurity challenges even if they have never taken a computer class!



Mrs. G
Girls Go CyberStart

Mandy Galante — formerly a high school cybersecurity teacher and coach, now working with GGCS to help young people discover their cybersecurity talent.