Girls Go CyberStart Challenge Teasers!

Want to know what kind of challenges you will be up against in Girls Go CyberStart? We have provided some teaser challenges to get your brain thinking like a cyber security expert.

CyberStart US
Girls Go CyberStart
2 min readFeb 6, 2018


Challenge 1

Chameleons are naturally hard to find… But can you spot one below? Share if you can! 🦎

Challenge 1

This challenge teaches you that data isn’t always right in front of you. You may need to do some digging around to find what you are looking for!

Challenge 2

Can you crack the puzzle in this image? Send us your answers to if you can!

Challenge 2

Pass these challenges on to your friends, share with your class mates or even test them out at home with your parents!

Make sure to let us know how you are getting on by tweeting us @cyberstartus on Twitter! Within your announcement, tell us which challenge you solved and your GGCS team name. No answers though!

Example: “Team BestBytes got the @cyberstartus Chameleon in #GGCSchallenge1! #jerseygirlsforthewin”.

Good luck!

Registration for Girls Go CyberStart closes February 16. Game play begins at 09:00am EST on February 20, and stops at 11:59pm EST on February 25.

For more information and to register head over to



CyberStart US
Girls Go CyberStart

CyberStart is a program featuring fun, technical challenges and games to inspire the next generation of cyber security professionals!