National Championship for Girls Go CyberStart is LIVE!

Girls Go CyberStart
2 min readMay 20, 2020

We’re moving! Come and find us on where you will find even more tips, tricks and industry support. See you there!

It’s finally here! The National Championship for Girls Go CyberStart (NCGGCS) is now live and will run continuously until May 21st 18:59 ET. It’s time for the girls to bring their super cyber skills to the challenges in the Team event and the Individual event of NCGGCS.

You can follow the competition progress on the Leaderboards at these links and make some noise on social media to cheer them on!

Important note — the leaderboards update every 5 minutes, they are not in real time. Refreshing the browser page will not impact this schedule.



Don’t forget — there are prizes!! 🏆

Prizes for Team NCGGCS event winners:
* Top scoring teams nationally:
1st prize = $400 per team member and $250 for their school
2nd prize = $300 per team member and $250 for their school
3rd prize = $200 per team member and $250 for their school

*Top scoring teams in each State:
1st prize = $100 per team member and $100 for their school
2nd prize = $75 per team member and $100 for their school|
3rd prize = $50 per team member and $100 for their school

Prizes for Individual NCGGCS event winners:
* The 5 top scoring girls nationally will each receive a $400 prize.




Girls Go CyberStart

CyberStart is a collection of tools that will introduce you to the cyber security industry and accelerate your entry into the profession! 💻