Don’ts and Dos for Your Strange Journey Through Life

By Ashley Morton/HBO

Girls HBO


From mistakes to missteps, the characters in Girls don’t always make the best choices on their journey to adulthood. Here are some key lessons you can take away from Season 4.

1. “Iowa

Hannah and Adam leave things unclear as she heads off to a writing workshop in Iowa.

Don’t: Let people get to you — whether it’s arguing parents, rude children, or friends who just can’t understand your need to relocate.

Do: Follow Adam Sackler’s example and toast your success. (Leather moto jacket and gelled hair optional.)

Did You Know? During Hannah’s packing scene in Season 4’s first episode, Adam Driver was originally waving around a wooden spoon while he spoke. After accidentally hitting Lena Dunham however, Driver was told to do the take without the prop.

2. “Triggering

Hannah tries to settle into her new surroundings, which is all the more fun when Elijah shows up.

Don’t: Forget your bike lock, your house keys, or the “constructive” part of constructive criticism.

Do: Relive your glory days by attending a quintessential undergraduate party. Bust a move like student loans are the furthest thing from your mind.

3. “Female Author

Marnie asks Desi why they aren’t dating; Shoshanna interviews for a job and Jessa and Adam have a run-in with the police.

Don’t: Be afraid to admit when you need a friend — especially one that will bail you out of jail.

Do: Remember that there is such a thing as too much honesty. This goes for both job interviews and writing workshops.

Did You Know? The lyrics for “Onward and Inward” — the song Marnie dedicates to Hannah — were written by Lena Dunham. Her boyfriend, musician Jack Antonoff, wrote the music.

4. “Cubbies

Desi arrives at Marnie’s door with some news, and Hannah’s continued struggles in Iowa lead to a big decision.

Don’t: Ignore the little voice in the back of your head or your dad’s sage advice about doing what’s best for you.

Do: Know when to deviate from your norm and when to embrace it. Note to self: Expensive boutique T-shirts aren’t going to help anything.

5. “Sit-In

Hannah returns to New York to find Adam is seeing someone else.

Don’t: Allow yourself to be consumed by sadness or internet videos.

Do: Look for your “artistic love story” in unexpected places.

Did You Know? The steady-cam shot through Hannah’s Iowa apartment was inspired by a similar take in the Nora Ephron film ‘This Is My Life.’

6. “Close-Up

Ray decides to run for a seat on the community board, and Adam deals with unexpected information.

Don’t: Shy away from getting involved. Your community needs you — no one likes people who lean on their car horns.

Do: Rally. Get up, get dressed and get your resume out there.

7. “Ask Me My Name

Hannah starts a new job and gets to know Mimi-Rose.

Don’t: Close yourself off from finding inspiration in the oddest of places — that includes women with hyphenated names.

Do: Make peace with the past … and always treat yourself to falafel.

Did You Know? Allison Williams learned to knit just for this scene.

8. “Tad & Loreen & Avi & Shanaz

Tad comes out to Loreen, and Marnie is caught off guard by Desi’s bold romantic gesture.

Don’t: Hold everything inside forever (whether you partner just got tenure or not.)

Do: Figure out what person you think you are, and realize when your behavior warrants an apology.

9. “Daddy Issues

Adam and Jessa have dinner with Mimi-Rose and Ace, and Marnie makes an announcement at Ray’s election-night party.

Don’t: Fake your happiness. Don’t fake anything.

Do: Recognize when your parents need more guidance than you.

Did You Know? Hannah’s student Cleo is played by executive producer Judd Apatow’s daughter Maude Apatow.

10. “Home Birth

Shoshanna is offered a job with an interesting twist and Jessa takes control of Caroline’s home birth.

Don’t: Be afraid to stick your head in the tub of life and take control of the situation.

Do: Take risks — even if they lead you far from where you started.

Watch the complete fourth season Girls on HBO NOW. Check out the Blu-ray or DVD box set of Season 4 for more fun facts.

