Meet us at Blizzcon

Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2017

Hey guys Nymphodora here and I’m excited to announce that Carize and I will both be at Blizzcon this year! We will be hanging out around the Anaheim Hilton and general Con areas so please come find us! If you are in the area but not heading to the convention you can still come meet us at Con Before the Storm it’s one of the many parties that are hosted around Blizzcon every year.

I was invited to a new event happening at CBTS called the Meet and Greet! If you can’t find either of us milling about you will be guaranteed to find me on November 2 at 10pm on the second floor of the Hilton in the California Ballrooms. I am representing GS at the Meet & Greet so I would love to meet you! Looking forward to next week and until then safe travels all!




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