GirlUp Gleam
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2020


Consent is one of the most misunderstood word in today's world, the word simply means to agree or not, a 'yes' or a 'no'

Is consent a word bound only to sexual aspects?

No, Many of us assume it to be associated only with something sexual which is one of the important reasons why we do not talk about it as much as we should.
Consent is a word which is applicable in both sexual and non sexual aspects of life, non-sexual aspects such as using your friends picture to post on social media it is important to ask the other person if they are comfortable with their picture being shared and even the other ,day to day simple things like oversharing personal details without consent. It is important to ask if they are comfortable because every individual has personal boundaries and also issues which they are not comfortable with.

Consent in the sexual aspect is very essential for a healthy understanding between the people involved, it is one of the basic morals and being able to take a no as no is how a normal human being should function.
Most of the time we see people who do not know how to say no and mostly women are even afraid to say no. This is mainly due to the patriarchal society which we grew up in did not teach women to consider her own needs and desires, women are always taught about serving others , working for others , satisfying others needs . Young girls are not taught to consider what they need , what is it that they are comfortable with, their own desires. Instead they are taught on how to be a person that fits the societal standards of good. The society has always been conditioned into thinking that it's right only if male had sexual desires and when women expresses such desires it is frowned upon , this again is due to the way women are taught and seen , women are seen as someone who should subject her life based on others needs, they are seen as someone who is fragile , coy and soft natured. Queer, trans relationships are not even taken into consideration in this mechanism of our society.

What is Marital rape? And why is it not a crime?

When victim has been raped by their partner to whom they are married this is marital rape.
There are many petitions to criminalize marital rape but it hasn't been , that is largely because in our society it is falsely assumed and believed that when a women gets married. Being part of the marriage is also a sexual consent. Again here women are abstained from having their own views and opinions, even in areas where their views are what that is important.

Instances in which no is not taken seriously and instead taken as yes or even worse taken as "she is asking for it"

1. The way a person dresses is not consent, short dress does not mean yes , Saree does not mean yes. Clothes are not consent.
2. If a person is drunk, intoxicated it does not mean yes.
3. If a person is alone does not mean yes.
4. Being your wife does not mean yes.
5. No does not mean "convince me".

Why is Consent important?

Consent is important because it is every human's basic right. And asking for consent shows respect one has to their partner. It creates a healthy relationship and also makes one comfortable in expressing their needs.
Many times asking for consent is seen as dignified and a special thing to do but asking for consent is how normal relationships /human interactions work. Not asking consent or taking a no as yes is also one of the reasons for rape, Sexual assault. Hence it is important that we talk and educate our present and future generations which aids in creating a safer environment.

