Facial Recognition use-cases in all the industries.

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10 min readApr 4, 2019

Giscle is a Computer Vision platform offering three core vision services Detection, Recognition and Analysis. The vision services are available in the form of easy to integrate APIs and SDK for any client side application such as web, mobile and cameras.

Currently, available vision APIs by Giscle:

  1. Face Detection, is one of the most prominent tools of utility which aid in detecting, identifying, and verifying faces. A common way to understand this would be the Face lock feature on several smartphones.
  2. Attribute Detection: technology through which attributes like gender and race can be identified
  3. Emotion Detection: a mechanism allowing emotions to be detected, such as happy, sad, angry, etc.
  4. Facial Recognition works extremely well in areas of mass surveillance such as retail, security, and education, wherein not only data, but also its analysis is needed.
  5. Person detection and tracking can be electronically done to improve security and trace false identities

6. Liveness detection and attributes detection are also offered by Giscle

In this regard, the necessity and importance of such services aiding several sectors can be understood in its context. The following elucidates the diverse understanding Giscle holds for every major field.

Retail: In reference to face detection, face recognition, person detection, tracking, and more, offline retail can prosper with the integration of these features into its implementation. There are numerous use cases which will benefit any retailer.

a) Heat- mapping, for instance, is an excellent method through which crowd detection can be done to better strategize the products. Popular and unpopular products can be identified and their further publicity and sale can be crafted accordingly.

b) Tracking and merging offline/online experiences: via facial recognition, retail houses can keep a check on customer profile, recent visits, duration of visits, popular products bought, procedure of checkout, and more, just like that of an online retailer, and hence this aids not only in keeping count of the workings of the retail house for analysis, but also provides the consumer an efficient shopping experience.

c) Employee management: Instead of the hassles of signing sheets, signing in and out, and other loyalty conundrums, it is easier and more time efficient to allow facial detection work its magic. Employees and their performance can be better analyzed. Thus, retailers, especially those aiming to expand and develop their outreach should consider these recognition technologies as a prerequisite to their growth.

Banking and Finance: The biometric surveillance system is an emerging phenomenon in developing countries, but already a domain conquered by Giscle in the technology sector. Facial recognition, identification, and more contribute towards a safe banking system tremendously in this sector.

a) Fraud Prevention: Face and emotion detecting mechanisms can accurately collect and analyze data from the photo database. Fraudsters can be identified with an intelligent analysis of their behaviour. Moreover, it can identify who the person is by comparing the captured photograph to that stored in documents and social media.

b) Customer Service: Visitors, especially VIPs can be identified at the entrance and personalized care can be provided to each member. Valuing customer service will bring a positive reputation to the organization and in parallel increase the sales and growth.

c) Improving Scoring: the face and emotion recognition algorithm can be utilized to check a customer’s previous record and social media. Additional important information can be easily collected, to ensure that the risks of lending a loan are calculated beforehand. If there is a problem with a customer or company in terms of their credit, a specified loan program can be drafted.

Education: Education, for any society, often forms the crux and soul. A strong education system is immediately reflective of an intellectual and liberal society. Thus, it is the duty and aim of every administration to enhance the education sector continuously. In this regard, the introduction of APIs can again be a notable feature. Apart from face and emotion recognition for evaluation, attendance, and more, this mechanism can be implemented in the education sector to a greater degree.

a) I.D. Unauthorized Visitors: Unauthorized visitors such as those with previous criminal records, or expelled students, can be immediately identified and kept at bay.

b) Alert School Personnel: the data storage capacity and intelligence of facial and emotion recognition systems can immediately notify the school personnel so safety precautions can be taken.

c) Securing Campus Events and Efficiency: On the days of campus events, such as carnivals or graduation, the crowd can be effectively managed, which may not be possible by the human eye. Additionally, staff check in and check out times can be recorded to ensure a smooth running of the academic system.

Thus, the structural loopholes can be fixed and made foolproof with the integration of surveillance technology.

Security: Security is one of the most sought after advantages after the implementation of these human recognition mechanisms. In terms of regional and national importance, this mechanism can be utilized.The obvious benefits include managing crowd prone areas, identifying missing individuals, detecting criminals, and more.

a) Defence Sector: National bases and sensitive areas can be safeguarded. Face recognition along with emotion recognition can go a step further than the traditional video surveillance.

b)Efficiency: Defence personnel’s efficiency can be increased. Since this can be used by military and law enforcement organizations, terrorism, espionage, unauthorized access and more can be prevented.

c) Language Barriers: With the attribute detector, the race can be identified even without a translator available. This technology can confirm the identify within seconds and save time, incase PoW or distressed individuals are found.

Hospitality: Hospitality has always been a unique industry, providing the backbone of several tourist dependencies. There are multiple ways of facial recognition technologies that can be used effectively in this sector.

a) Security will be enhanced with facial recognition. Using technology to grant access, identify passes, tracking and checking suspects with accuracy can be achieved.

b) With the facial expressions database, client behaviour can be better analyzed and used to improve further experiences. It will enhance customer service by quickly identifying guests, personalized meetings, etc.

c) Payment process and security concern overall will be made easier and facial recognition can aid in faster transactions with accuracy. This technology is already in use across several industries to allow seamless airports and hotel-checking.

Governance: While the Aadhar debate has been surrounded with question of biometric surveillance, it is essential to appreciate the effort of the governance system to introduce a step towards an accurate and safe identity. Such technologies can be largely used in Governance as complimentary to the security sector.

a) Facial recognition and tracking helps in the elimination of identity theft. This will allow a proper census to be drafted, people’s financial, educational, and lifestyle status to be analyzed to better improve the current conditions.

b) They are beneficial in the election procedure. Without hassles of voter cards, long queues, and more, facial recognition technology can identify the person, their data, and proceed them to vote. It will save on time and speed up the process.

c) Facial recognition and tracking can also be used in the defence services. It will control border security mishaps and prevent terror and violent crime. Moreover, automatic fines can be charged on the violation of rules such as when on the road.

Health: Health is another domain on which no civilization can compromise.

a) Patients Identification: Facial recognition and tracking can help in identification of patients. Especially in emergency cases where immediate help in needed, the time will not be wasted to fill details manually.

b) Patient Management: By screening the face of the patient, any doctor, nurse, or medical practitioner can be updated on the patient’s health. This is especially useful to prevent miscommunication and only allow consistent information to be passed on.

c) Hospital Crowd management: Hospital traffic pattern analysis can also be done. Just as in retail, medical sectors too require a brand name. With this technological assistance, a proper traffic pattern can be charted and further used to enhance the pre-existing facilities and implement new ones. Moreover, it may also aid in DNA tracing and finding out one’s lineage.

Event and Entertainment: An interesting synthesis exists between APIs and the event/entertainment sector.

a) Track Blacklisted Gamblers: Casinos use facial surveillance and tracking system to catch cheaters and keep track of the blacklisted gamblers.

b) Event Management: It is also a major demand in concerts and sports events because an increasing number of terrorist attacks are being targeted. Recognition technologies can help identify any audience member’s criminal record if he/she is considered to be a suspect.

c) Gate Access: Fines on public places such as Bars or coffee shops are now being introduced with the help of facial recognition. Underage buyers or fake IDs can be easily identifiable. It is also used on dating sites to match people with similar attributes.

Marketing: Facial recognition and tracking systems can easily be the driving force behind the next marketing revolution.

a) By identifying and tracking user data, personalized ads can be generated. There have been emerging cases where what one talks about near their phone, suddenly shows up as an ad in their applications.

b) Marketing can be utilized to full potential by gathering, analyzing, and acting upon the data collected. Ad viewership generates money.

c) Demos can be taken to a higher level. Trying something virtually before buying it stimulates its purchase power. Virtual experiences are being created with the help of facial mapping to provide a demo to possible consumers. There are several ways to market by including facial recognition as part of the content. For example, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and more have facial recognition software. The filters are widely popular and act upon the same dictum of facial recognition.

Cyber Security: Just as in offline security, Cyber security is increasingly becoming the hub for the amalgamation of criminal activities. Everything from bullying to financial theft, forged identities, and more, the Cyber security needs to strengthen its approach.

a) A multi-authentication solution can be drafted to ensure that customers are genuine and are of no harm to the sector. Biometrics and enhanced identification requirements forms the crux of this domain.

b) Another large aspect falling under this is an online payment. Under this, it is necessary to ensure the payment will not be hacked and only paid once the face matches. Facial identification and tracking in this regard can be used to observe the purchasing processes.

c) Online photographs, distorted Photoshop photos without consent, bullying, harassment, black mailing, corruption, threat, and more can be kept at bay as these technologies will be involved in not only the tracking of online crowd but also its accurate face identification. Culprits of harsh crimes online can be easily located.

Thus, technology has dug its way into everyday lives. For better, it enhances via accessibility, artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and more, which should not only be encouraged, but also provided with the space to grow and conquer. Technology will aid in the effective elimination of problems created by technology, as it must be enforced with the right intent and moral compass. In the examples illustrated above of the different sectors, every industry aims to enhance their line of productivity which can be actualized with facial recognition and tracking mechanisms offered by Giscle.

If you want to achieve any of the above use-cases, write to us at info@giscle.com



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Computer Vision platform offering three core vision services (Detection, Recognition and Analysis) in the form of easy to integrate APIs and SDKs.