We will build the BEST!!

Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2018

We have been working silently on something incredible. Being map enthusiasts and developing Autonomous kit for Indian road, we know Autonomous driving requires a highly precise map which India has been lacking from decades. If you see the number, ONLY 30% of addresses are on any available Digital map and among them also 60 to 80% are wrongly pin pointed with an average of 30m GPS error.


We need something which at least can reduce this massive GPS error. There are methods available by which we can reduce the GPS errors but those methods are really-really expensive and that will again not solve the general consumer problems. We had no option but to find something which can disrupt the system entirely. Some of the terms which are related to the system are GPS, DGPS, etc.

The day we came to know that all these locations and address issues are GPS errors, we started searching for some alternative. In India and similar developing countries the average GPS error is 30m, sometimes it touches 50m as well. DGPS is a system which can reduce the GPS accuracy by up to 5 meter. While doing research we found that the US implemented DGPS with investment of millions in 1998 only and their benefits have been calculated as $10,444.54 Million.


The way DGPS works is you need to have a DGPS compatible device and you also need a DGPS station with can keep correcting your GPS error. You can find my blog on how DGPS work. But making the user phone compatible was most challenging because most phones don’t support DGPS. And now there is also no point of DGPS policy in India because 20 years of advancementment in technology has disrupted many things.


We wanted to build a system which could used on our autonomy stack as well as for anyone to use for their location including ecommerce, logistics, hyper local companies, etc.

If you remember we have released a mapping tool, which can record user driving data along with latitude and longitude. Thanks to our 100s of user who uploaded the visual data along with the lat & long. We have been able to find a cure of one problem which we wanted to solve for a very long time.

But to make this solution really perfect, we seek your help, we have divided the entire zone into 5 basics part.

  1. Outside: [If you can see the sky completely without any obstacle, eg. Highway, top of your building etc.]
  2. Semi-Outside: [If you can see the sky but partial, eg. On the road but buildings are on side etc.]
  3. Semi-Inside: [If you can see the sky but very little, eg. Just outside of your building etc.]
  4. Inside: [If you can’t see any sky, eg. inside your house etc.]
  5. Driving: [If you are driving]

We have collected the data but to make the system extremely good, we need more data for all these different zones. You can check your GPS error using Whatapp.


And as we have been getting your full support, we look forward to your help.

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If you would like to join our team, please share your passion at passion@giscle.com



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