Why for us the New Year is yet to come ?

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2 min readDec 31, 2017

Time fly isn’t it ? We all have heard this that time never stops for anyone. Take an example of 2017 the year which brings joy for millions at the same time it make things tougher for millions as well and it is about to end :). Provided all these at the last we all get together and about to start new year in a hope to multiply our joy or subtracts our unhappiness.

We started Giscle just not because we wanted to start a so called startup, we started Giscle in a hope to bring the changes which we wanted as a Student, as a Teen, as a Citizen at the same time to make the future in which we wanted to live. What kind of future we are talking about, we don’t know because we don’t want to predict the future because we are lazy and we all know creating future is easier then predicting so why take harder path let’s go with easier path and build the future. And that’s why we don’t know what future but you will see!!

We don’t want to take a new start because we want to live in the same zone, same pain, same vision, same energy. We believe the intensity of all these at the time of taking any major decision is always larger, greater, destructive in all means. And that’s why we don’t want to start it again, yes for us also there will be new year but certainly not now.

But we at Giscle would like to wish you a very Happy New Year 2018. We hope you will detect new lights and all your perceptions of 2017 will be real in 2018.

Happy New Year-2018

We will meet in 2018!!

Someone deserve special mention because we have not been able to do many things without his help and support. Thank You Jegan Selvaraj many things has not been possible without all the data which you have uploaded. We look forward to your support. Lot’s of Love from Team Giscle



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