Queen’s Gambit or King’s Ransom? When Ransom Strikes Start Working Knights

Chess Theory applied to Enhanced Offensive Cybersecurity Against Ransomware Attacks (Part 1)

Graham Waters
6 min readMar 2, 2021


A Study in Black and White: Cyber-Chess (Part 1)

What should you do if your company is hacked by black hat actors that are intent on holding your data hostage? This article explores the world of chess theory to provide some insight into ways of being offensively defensive in these situations and potentially protecting yourself from ransomware attacks. This is the first article I have written on the subject; however, it was fascinating how much there is out there about this subject. For that reason I will be writing several more articles in coming weeks about applying chess theory to data security. Stay tuned. Now, what do you do if you have been hacked and your data is held for ransom? Opinions differ when it comes to the best response to a ransomware attack like this. Some suggest paying the ransom, while others vehemently oppose paying.

  • “It is always advisable to not pay the ransom even though this may result in disturbing your business; remember, there is no guarantee that ransomware operators will respect their promise and deliver the decryption key after payment. But if you decide…

