How To Rename a Git Branch in GitHub Desktop

Effortlessly navigate the art of branch renaming in Git and save your development sanity with the GitHub Desktop GUI.

Dr. Derek Austin 🥳
git happy


Photo by Linus Mimietz on Unsplash

In our ever-evolving world of software development, it’s essential for developers like myself to keep the code repository clean and organized.

Properly naming your Git branches is an often-overlooked but crucial aspect of this organization, along with regular branch cleanup — regularly deleting old Git branches — and performing the occasional git undo.

If you’re an advanced developer, you’re probably well acquainted with Git and its intricacies. However, we all have times when you need to rename a local Git branch, and that’s what we’ll be exploring in this article.

Review: Renaming With Command Line Git

Before we get to GitHub Desktop, let’s review the git command line instructions briefly. Renaming a local Git branch takes just 2 steps.

The Basics: Renaming a Local Git Branch

Step 1. Make sure you have checked out the branch you want to rename:

git checkout old-branch-name



Dr. Derek Austin 🥳
git happy

I write about real-world programming career advice, MongoDB vs. PostgreSQL, Git, React, JavaScript, VS Code, TypeScript, and Next.js. Doctor of Physical Therapy