Understanding “Git Status”: A Deep Dive for Advanced Developers

Making git status magic with mapaches and Oh My Zsh! plugins

Dr. Derek Austin 🥳
git happy
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2023


Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

As professional software engineers, we often rely heavily on version control systems for managing changes in our projects.

Git is by far the most popular system today. It helps maintain sanity amidst the chaos of continuous development, version control, bug fixes, and new features. One command, git status -u, stands out as a versatile and often-used command, especially if you’re as forgetful as me and just can’t remember what you modified or added two minutes ago. Today, we’ll deep dive into this all-important command and demystify it once and for all.

The Basics: What Is git status and What Does It Do?

git status -u is a command used to display the state of the Git working directory, what’s called the staging area. It permits you to see which changes have been staged, and which haven't, along with which files aren’t being tracked by Git. Think of it as a mapache 🦝…



Dr. Derek Austin 🥳
git happy

Hi, I'm Doctor Derek! I've been a professional web developer since 2005, and I love writing about programming with JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js & Git.