CodeFund Ads on Etherscan

Reach out if interested in joining as an ethical advertiser!

Vivek Singh
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2019


We are excited to announce that CodeFund will be an ethical advertising partner for Etherscan!

Etherscan is a block explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum, the leading decentralized smart contracts platform. The site is the industry standard for developers, investors, and others interested in reviewing transactions on Ethereum’s blockchain.

CodeFund is Gitcoin’s Web 3 friendly ad platform. Ethical, non-tracking, privacy centric advertisements will be placed on Etherscan’s website. These ethical ads will provide Etherscan a passive method of monetization in order to continue providing a public good to the Ethereum community. Etherscan joins the likes of and as publishers via CodeFund. We’re excited to welcome them to the family!

CodeFund’s Promise

Our publishers rest easy knowing that their visitors are safe. We are fully transparent with everything we do, including our open source code. Most of all, we consider ourselves partners in the open source community. We want the bloggers, builders and maintainers in the open source ecosystem to thrive.

Our advertisers can similarly feel confident that their advertisements will reach audiences which are focused on developers, open source communities, and more. We’re ultimately committed to driving traffic to your websites, and will give you the tools and attention necessary to do so, ethically.

Interested In Advertising?

Please connect with us below if you’re interested in advertising on Etherscan, or otherwise joining our ethical advertising movement. Let’s grow the internet sustainably and ethically, together.

To learn more about Gitcoin, click below. We welcome you on our journey to grow open source while changing the way we work.

