GitHub Sponsors & Gitcoin Grants =❤️ 🤖

Support your OSS Work with Gitcoin Grants on Github’s new Sponsors feature

Kevin Owocki
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2019


The Gitcoin team was thrilled to see today that GitHub formally launched Sponsors, a way for users of GitHub to find ways to financially support their favorite projects through a variety of platforms of their choice.

This is what it looks like in GitHub’s UI:

We’d like to invite users of Gitcoin Grants to set up GitHub Sponsors on their repos. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the repository associated with Gitcoin Grants.
  2. Click ‘Settings’.

3. Scroll down to “Features’ and check “Sponsorships” and then “Set up Sponsor Button”

4. A text editor will appear on the next page that allows you to enter information about how to sponsor your repository. Paste the following text into the text editor:

custom: <gitcoin_grants_url>

and replace <gitcoin_grants_url> with your Gitcoin Grants URL.


Users will now see a “Sponsor” button on your repo:

Grow Open Source

GitHub Sponsors shows that open source sustainability is a real priority for GitHub and for Microsoft, and that’s something we’re very excited to see. We’re also excited that we’re able to engage with them on this initiative and look forward to seeing how their work on open source sustainability evolves moving forward. Here’s to a brighter future for open source software.

To learn more about Gitcoin, click below. We welcome you on our journey to grow open source while changing the way we work.



Kevin Owocki
Editor for

i spin bits for fun and profit; watch out for my megabyte