Gitcoiner Profiles: Will Goi

Will has been one of our most active Gitcoiners; helping us design a lot of the core Gitcoin UI

Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018


We’re back with our next installment of ‘Gitcoiner Profiles’. If you missed our first profile, you can check it out here.

This week features design extraordinaire William S. Goi! Will has been one of our most active front end designers on Gitcoin and has been incredibly helpful in shaping the Gitcoin user experience over the past few months.

Will’s Gitcoin Journey

Will is a UX designer who was originally born in Indonesia. For the last few years he has been living and working in Singapore.

Will bought a small amount of Ether a few years back and was swiftly sucked down the crypto rabbit hole. Since then, he’s participated in some online courses, attended meetups, and read all he can about the space. Recently, Will stumbled upon a ConsenSys article about ‘designing for blockchain’ which mentioned Gitcoin.

Will: As a designer myself, I’m particularly interested in the design aspect of the ecosystem. How do we make our decentralized future more user-friendly? One day, I stumbled upon this great article by Sarah Baker Mills and Gitcoin was mentioned as one of the ways to get involved.

After poking around Gitcoin for a bit, Will wasted no time getting to work on some design-focused bounties. Fortunate for us, one of the first project’s that will undertook was helping us redesign the Gitcoin profile page!

Will: Designing the new profile page has been my favorite bounty thus far. At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect since it also happened to be the very first time contributing to an open source project. Fortunately, the experience has been great, and I got tons of support from the core team. Special thanks to Alisa March for guiding me on all things design!

Will’s designs for the profile page

After working on the profile page, Will went on a roll helping us out with a few other Gitcoin focused bounties. The first of which was helping us redesign the ‘Requests’ page where Gitcoin developers can post bounty requests for open source issues they’ve found via searching Github.

Will then went on to help us redesign the developer landing page. This page helps developers than are new to Gitcoin get all the info that they need to start building.

Will: I love how supportive and vibrant the community is. I’ve met and learned a lot from people smarter than me. Looking forward to more exciting stuff on Gitcoin!

We think it’s super cool to be able to have the Gitcoin community literally help us build Gitcoin.

Are you interested in building open source projects alongside fantastic developers like Will? Make a Gitcoin account today and visit the Issue Explorer to get started! If you need any help getting up and running we’re always available in the Gitcoin Community Slack




Analyst at Multicoin Capital || Twitter @bennybitcoins