There are 3 public clouds left — Here’s why we’ll use all of them.

Why organizations, including GitLab, will opt for a multi-cloud future

Sid Sijbrandij
GitLab Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2018


IBM was the 4th public cloud if you leave the Chinese market dominated by Alibaba out of the picture. IBM Cloud was losing ground to the top 3 public clouds. They decided to acquire RedHat for 31% of their market cap. This was a big bet on a hybrid and multi-cloud future.

That means that there will be three public clouds left that each spend $10b+ per year on new data centers.

The question is if organizations will standardize on one cloud or go multi-cloud. Moving an application to another cloud after you used cloud specific services like Lambda, DynamoDB, and BigQuery is a lot of work for little payoff.

Despite that it is likely that most organizations will be multi-cloud for the following reasons:

  • People in the organization need capabilities that only one cloud provides.
  • Workflow portability where you can use the same workflow regardless of the deployment target is important.
  • In order to have a Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) in their negotiations with their cloud vendor companies need to have the ability to deploy to a different cloud.
  • While negotiating with a cloud vendor, they can request that you move existing workloads to them.
  • When you acquire a company they might have most of their applications on another cloud.
  • Some of your customers might refuse to use your preferred cloud because they compete with that vendor in another line of their business, like e-commerce for Amazon, CRM/ERP for Microsoft, and advertising for Google.



Sid Sijbrandij
GitLab Magazine

Legal first name is Sytse. Co-founder and CEO of GitLab. I like innovative projects, accessible education, all remote work, charter cities, and macro economics.