GitPOAP November 2022 Update

It’s been a mighty long time since our last update, so we thought we’d let you take a look at what’s been happening since we last reached out.

3 min readNov 8, 2022


Community Calls

Subscribe to the GitPOAP public calendar

We’ve set up a subscribable public calendar so that you can follow our community calls and know when other projects host us ( hosted GitPOAP cofounder Colfax for a community call two weeks ago!). If you’ve been looking for ways to get more involved in web3, these are a perfect place to start.

Check out the calls we’ve done so far

All of these projects are actively seeking contributors and in the calls they outline ways that you could help. Talk about a shortcut to the heart of the ecosystem…

Features and Integrations

User accounts have been reworked!

You can now sign in with your Ethereum account, connect your Github, and configure your profile. We even built a page where you can check whether you’re eligible without connecting at all

Our Github bot now has two functions!

  1. The first and original function is that it notifies contributors, with a comment on their merged pull request, the first time they become eligible for a new GitPOAP that year.
  2. The second is that maintainers can now issue GitPOAPs to contributors who may not have had a PR merged, but still deserve a POAP! Did someone do a translation for your website on crowdin? Tag them in a comment and issue them your repo’s GitPOAP manually!
A screenshot of someone using the GitPOAP bot to manually issue a GitPOAP to a contributor. The maintainer calls “Please award GitPOAPs to the following user” and the bot responds with a congratulatory comment saying that the contributor is now eligible to claim.

Gate your community with GitPOAPs using Guild

We’re super excited that GitPOAPs are now fully integrated with Guild! Guild gives you customized tooling around gated access to Discord servers, Telegram chats, Google Workspace, and even GitHub repos, based on your GitPOAP holders. What do you want to do next with your verified contributors?


We met many incredibly projects at Devcon working to make the ecosystem more transparent, public goods oriented, and usable. We’ve been working tirelessly since then to make sure we get all the projects we met onboarded so that they can issue GitPOAPs to their contributors.

If you missed us at Devcon, don’t worry! You can still get your community the GitPOAPs they deserve with our onboarding form:

We also gave away these sweet IYK cards to any GitPOAP holders that we met! IYK cards are used for swiftly and easily distributing POAPs IRL. We’ll be doing it again at ETHDenver, so make sure to claim your GitPOAPs before then and come find us at the conference for your IYK card!

General updates:

~800 GitPOAP holders! At the time of writing this update, we’re up to almost 800 unique GitPOAP holders! To celebrate the amount of work it takes to stay updated and experimenting in this brand-new web3 world, we released a ‘first 500’ GitPOAP that the first 500 unique GitPOAP holders are eligible to claim. You can check if you’re one at

2000 GitPOAPs claimed: We also recently passed 2000 GitPOAPs claimed! That’s an average of 2.7 GitPOAPs per holder 👀 It may not be easy earning GitPOAPs, but it’s worth it.

We love feedback!

Do you have feedback you want to give to GitPOAP? We’d love to hear from you! Fill out our feedback form or just send us an email:

