How do I set my ENS avatar?

ENS avatars now show up on — this is a guide on how to set your ENS avatar, which will show up across the ecosystem.

4 min readAug 29, 2022


When you connect your wallet to, your profile shows your ENS name if you have one. You can see in the image below that mine shows “nixorokish.eth” above the shortened version of my 42-character hexidecimal address (that “0x04…” nonsense).

By default, your profile will show a circle with some random colors — this is called a jazz icon and it’s based on your address (the same image shows up on Metamask based on your address).

One of our engineers, burz, is awesome and wanted y’all to be able to display your ENS avatars on your profile — now you can and I’ll walk you through how to set it through the ENS app.

First, we’re going to find the image you want as your avatar and format the “image reference” correctly.

I’ll cover two methods:
Method 1: from an NFT (a little work, but recommended)
Method 2: from an image URL (easy)

Method 1

Go to
Connect your wallet with the wallet icon in the top right corner (1) and then click the profile icon (2) to see your profile with your NFTs.

Find the NFT that you want to use, click on it, and navigate to the “Details” portion of the left panel. We’re going to reference your NFT by putting it in this format:

eip155:1/[NFT standard]:[NFT contract address]/[token ID]

eip155:1 — the Ethereum network
NFT standard — yours will probably be “erc721”
NFT contract address — click the hyperlink and it’ll take you to etherscan. Copy and paste the address from etherscan
tokenID — the number your NFT is in the collection

For example, if I wanted to use my Rocketeer NFT, the details look like this:

So my “image reference” would look like this:


Method 2:

You can use a regular image URL. It achieves the same result, but you won’t get that sexy “Owner” badge on the ENS app. Just find the image you want, right click and ‘Copy Image Link’ — this will be your “image reference”. Mine would look like this:

Now we’re going to set this NFT as your avatar

Head over to and connect the wallet that owns the ENS name that you want to associate an avatar with (if you don’t already own an ENS name, you’ll need to buy one first).

Once you’ve connected your wallet, hit “My Account” up in the top right

You’ll see a list of the ENS addresses that you own — click on the one you want to set your avatar for

Scroll down and click “ADD/EDIT RECORD”

Paste the “image reference” we put together earlier in the ‘avatar’ field.


Scroll down to the bottom and hit Confirm — you’ll get a pop-up explaining that you’re modifying the blockchain and you’ll hit Confirm on that, too — then sign the transaction in your wallet.

This requires a transaction because you’re actually changing data on the blockchain to associate your avatar with your ENS name. It’ll cost you a couple of bucks, depending on what the gas price currently is.

Wait for the transaction to process et voilà! You have an ENS avatar. Your profile will update it in an hour or so.

Is there something confusing in this guide? Let me know in the comments and I’ll turn my spaceship around and come fix it.

