Training Islamic Boarding School Students to Create a Website

Inne Prinusantari
GITS Apps Insight
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2019
Day 1 of Training: Students learn basic HTML

Days ago, I joined BEKRAF X Coding Mum program as a mentor to teach Islamic Boarding School students (we call it “pesantren”) to create a website with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The training was held from March 31st till April 11th, 2019 and was placed at SMKT Ad-dimyati, Sirnamiskin Islamic Boarding School, Bandung, West Java. In total, there are 80 students participated in this training and divided into two sessions; morning session and daylight session.

What I admire from this program is they encourage woman to participate as mentor and one of the mentor was an alumnus from Coding Mum Batch One, Mrs. Tati Mulyati. The goals of this program is for “code literacy” for high school students and to introduce IT as one of their knowledge or their career path. As we know, that in America and Europe they already teach about code and algorithm as one of their school curriculum. They provide e-learning website so students can learn outside class, for example Codecademy from US.

Coding Mum Banner

This is my first time teach young participants!!! So, I felt a little bit nervous and afraid if I can’t explain clearly to those students. So, it’s very challenging for me to learn about pedagogy, how to teach students that don’t know the basic of programming until they can create their own website without putting aside the concept of programming itself.

How the Class Went

When the class started, we showed them how to search something in Google with the right keyword. For example, if students wanted to put their image logo to center, we gave them example keyword like ‘html css image center’, so they can find the solution by themselves. We showed the importance of clean and readable code to students by keeping the good indentation and adding comment to show code information.

To show their own color, we asked the students to create websites based on their interest. They can create website for everything that they like, such as … a website for their favorite idol, shop, soccer group, or event. So…, learning how-to-create-website can be fun because they enjoy creating something they like. :)

At the end of the training, selected students from each session will present their website that is already up using their domain that is provided by IDCloudHost.

Their Result was Beyond Expectation

After 10 days full of training, the result was beyond expectation. Here are 5 of their websites:

  1. Lia Amelia |
  2. M. Faiz Robbany |
  3. Rian Fauzi |
  4. Fanny Siti Afifah |
  5. Ningrat P. L. |
Closing Ceremony

The feedback from students was positive about this training. They felt so happy and proud because they finally have website that can be seen by everyone.

From my point of view, CSS was the hardest part to learn for them, because it needs creativity and samples so their website will look beautiful and responsive.

Personally, I hope some of them can work in IT world. Why? Because, we have to face Industry Revolution 4.0 in Indonesia. Indonesia still needs more IT Developer to compete with other countries, as you can see there are many job opportunities in IT and the demand will increase every year. And last…, I hope they can share everything they got from this training to their friends, family, or maybe they will become the-next-mentor. :)

Inne Prinusantari, a back-end developer at GITS Indonesia, had herself challenged on used new framework right away and in big scope enterprise app. She successfully overcame it. In the future, she sets eyes on managing developers.



Inne Prinusantari
GITS Apps Insight

Enthusiast in women empowerment and leadership. I believe that creating/developing application is more than just writing a code.