How to Engage Inactive Email Subscribers with Re-engagement Giveaway Campaigns


Email marketing is still an important part of digital outreach and brand communication. Email marketing is undoubtedly one of the most successful marketing tactics for understanding your audience’s preferences and behavior.

However, no matter how successful your email marketing campaign is or how large you’ve built your email list, a significant percentage of subscribers will stop opening and engaging your emails as time goes by.

Unfortunately, dead or inactive email subscribers have nothing to do with your choice of email service provider or delivery mode. Even the most carefully curated email lists can accumulate inactive subscribers over time, resulting in little or no engagement.

Also, this inactivity isn’t usually the result of a lack of interest in your brand’s offerings. This disconnection is frequently caused by information overload, changing email addresses, or the fast-paced nature of our digital lives.

Recognizing and dealing with this inactivity is critical for brands looking to improve their communication strategies. Re-engagement giveaway campaigns are one of the most efficient strategies for reigniting interest and capitalizing on this potential.

A re-engagement giveaway campaign may inspire inactive email subscribers to not only open their emails but also re-establish a more engaging relationship with the business by offering practical rewards in a relevant and enticing manner.

How can re-engagement giveaway campaigns be used to engage inactive email subscribers? Let’s find out. But first, why should you re-engage inactive email subscribers?

Why Should Brands Re-engage Inactive Email Subscribers?

Cost Efficiency

Getting new customers or subscribers is much more expensive than retaining existing ones. In email marketing, warm leads are subscribers who have already expressed interest in your brand or offers. Instead of extensively investing in gaining new leads, focusing on re-engaging individuals who have gone inactive can result in a more cost-effective strategy. Compared to acquiring a new subscriber, reactivating a dormant one frequently costs a fraction of the resources.

Unexplored Revenue Potential

Inactive subscribers represent an untapped revenue opportunity. Just because a subscriber has gone inactive does not guarantee they will never buy from or engage with the brand again. They may only require a gentle nudge or a reminder of the value your business provides. Re-engaging these users can result in renewed sales, subscriptions, or other types of conversions, unlocking revenue possibilities that would otherwise go untapped.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty

Taking the time to re-engage inactive subscribers sends a clear message: you respect their presence and want to provide value to them. Brands may renew the relationship and remind customers of the benefits of keeping involved by reaching out with tailored content or special offers. This can increase brand loyalty since subscribers appreciate the work put into regaining their attention and trust.

Data Integrity and List Hygiene

Inactive subscribers can skew data and provide an inaccurate picture of your email marketing performance. Many inactive subscribers might result in lower open rates, click-through rates, and other important metrics, making it difficult to measure the true efficacy of your efforts. By re-engaging them, brands may bring them back to active status or identify those who are no longer interested, resulting in a cleaner, more accurate email list.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Re-engagement campaigns can be used to provide feedback. Brands can acquire insights into why inactive subscribers disconnected in the first place by reaching out to them. Understanding these reasons, whether the content’s relevancy, the frequency of emails, or other elements, can help businesses enhance their email marketing tactics. This feedback loop enables continual improvement, ensuring that email marketing remains effective and resonates with the changing requirements and tastes of the audience.

How to Engage Inactive Email Subscribers with Re-engagement Giveaway Campaigns

Understand the Inactivity

It’s critical to understand why subscribers become inactive in the first place before launching a re-engagement effort. Some may have switched email addresses, while others may be overwhelmed by the volume of emails they receive regularly. Understanding the underlying causes of inactivity allows you to tailor your campaign to address these concerns directly, making your efforts more targeted and effective.

Segment Your List

Not all inactive subscribers are the same. Segment your list to identify different levels of engagement. For instance, categorize subscribers who haven’t opened an email in the last three months differently from those who haven’t engaged in the past year. This segmentation will allow you to tailor your re-engagement strategies and personalize your giveaway campaigns, ensuring you’re offering relevant incentives to each group.

Craft a Compelling Subject Line

To re-engage inactive subscribers, the first step is to get them to open your email. A captivating subject line is essential. It should not simply mention the giveaway but also evoke a sense of urgency or curiosity. Subscribers may be enticed by phrases such as “We’ve Missed You — Win Big!” or “Exclusive Giveaway Just For You!”

Personalize the Content

It is critical to make the subscriber feel appreciated after opening the email. Personalize the content by addressing the subscriber by name and offering giveaways relevant to their previous interests or purchases. This demonstrates that you have considered their preferences and are not sending a generic campaign.

Optimize for Mobile

A significant number of users access their emails via mobile devices. Ensure that your re-engagement emails are mobile-friendly. This includes having clear and concise content, ensuring images load correctly, and embedding easily clickable links for participation in the giveaway. A seamless mobile experience can significantly increase the chances of re-engagement.

Make Participation Easy

The easier it is for people to participate in the giveaway, the more likely they will return. Avoid complicated paperwork or several steps. Instead, provide one-click involvement or automate as much of the procedure as possible. The goal is to decrease friction and make the subscriber’s re-engagement experience as easy as possible.

On the other hand, free online giveaway platforms like are one of the simplest ways to streamline your re-engagement campaign participation. is an online giveaway platform that aims to make contests and promotions easier for businesses. is a must-have tool for simplicity and effectiveness. It distinguishes itself by facilitating and automating the organization and administration of giveaways and contests.’s straightforward design and user-friendly features enable businesses to build engaging and seamless participation experiences.

How to Use to Create a Re-engagement Campaign to Win Back Lost Customers is a powerful marketing platform that enables you to run giveaway campaigns to increase user interaction and promote your business. It uses Provably Fair Algorithm technology to ensure that each giveaway’s outcomes are fair and transparent. boosts your marketing efforts and ensures a viral campaign by combining the power of freebies with the automated power of AI, which assists you in generating the appropriate giveaway titles, descriptions, and posters for your marketing campaign.

Creating a re-engagement giveaway campaign to win back lost customers is simple with Sign up and create your project profile, select the giveaway mode, provide the essential details about the giveaway and how to participate, and create your re-engagement giveaway campaign.

Here is a boilerplate template of how a brand used a discount offer as a re-engagement campaign to bring back lost customers and turn them into paying customers.

This is a 50% discount re-engagement campaign that requires participants to complete these simple tasks to claim the prize. The tasks for participants to earn the reward are simple:

  • Visit the business website
  • Make a purchase by selecting an offer
  • Share the giveaway with others.

As you see in the image, this is a simple re-engagement campaign that targets inactive email subscribers based on their previous purchase history by offering them a 50% discount on their purchase once they complete the task stated above.

The campaign is a timed draw contest in which the prize can be manually distributed to participants who completed the task. Easy, right?

Click here to create a similar re-engagement campaign to engage your inactive email subscribers.


Re-engagement gift promotions operate as a bridge, reconnecting firms with their once-active email subscribers. Rather than regarding inactive subscribers as lost causes, brands may embrace the power of gifts to revive passion and re-establish lines of communication. Businesses must discover inventive and engaging methods to stay relevant and sustain connections as our digital environments grow and demand our attention.



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