How To Make The Most Of Your Contests and Campaigns With User-Generated Content
5 min readAug 23, 2023


User-Generated Content (UGC) has shaped how companies interact with their consumers online and has become an essential component of the digital environment. A new age of authenticity and trust in marketing has emerged in recent years due to the internet and social media platforms enabling users to participate in content creation and contribution actively. Any content produced and distributed by customers regarding a company, goods, or service is called user-generated content, or UGC.

There are several reasons why UGC is so common. Consumers today prefer peer views and experiences over traditional advertising messaging. According to surveys, over 90% of customers trust user-generated content (UGC) and believe it influences their shopping decisions. Second, people can easily share their experiences with and opinions about companies thanks to the growth of social media and the simplicity of content production on smartphones. Businesses have been forced to accept UGC as a potent marketing tool due to this change in customer behavior.

What Are the Benefits of Using User-generated Content for Your Contests and Giveaways?

Contests and campaigns are catalysts for the larger-scale production of user-generated content (UGC), allowing companies to expand their reach, develop brand ambassadors, and forge closer bonds with their consumers.

Contests and campaigns are pivotal in expanding a brand’s reach by encouraging users to create and share content related to the brand or its products. This significantly increases user-generated content across various digital platforms, enabling the brand to reach new audiences who may not have shown interest otherwise. Furthermore, active engagement in these competitions and campaigns fosters stronger connections between consumers and the brand, creating advocates who are more loyal and committed to the business.

How To Make The Most of Your Giveaway Campaigns and Contests With User-Generated Content

Plan your giveaway

One way to start is by defining specific objectives and goals, which is essential before beginning any campaign or contest using user-generated content (UGC). This process establishes the initiative’s framework and contributes to success evaluation. What do you want to accomplish via this campaign? Increasing brand exposure, increasing website traffic, attracting new followers, or gathering client testimonials are all potential goals.

For instance, if you want to increase social media engagement, set a goal for how many likes, shares, and comments you want to get throughout the campaign. Choose a set number of genuine testimonials to collect consumer feedback during the campaign.

The next step in planning your giveaway is identifying the target audience and the right platform for the campaign. For any campaign to be successful, it is essential to understand your target demographic. Consider the audience’s preferences, interests, and pain areas to create an engaging UGC campaign. Conduct market research and examine your current consumer base to learn more about your ideal participants.

Selecting the appropriate platform is also crucial to optimizing the campaign’s impact. Various platforms appeal to different demographics and content types. For instance, Instagram could be ideal for photo and video contests, whereas Twitter might be better suited for ads that rely on hashtags. Use LinkedIn for your UGC projects if your target audience is more professional.

Choose a compelling theme or topic that encourages UGC.

Choose a theme or topic that appeals to people and is consistent with your brand identity to encourage them to participate in your campaign or contest. The subject should be original, interesting, and pertinent to your field. Consider the feelings or impressions you want customers to have about your brand.

For instance, a fitness gear company may create a UGC campaign called “My Transformation Story” to encourage customers to submit their fitness journeys, success stories, and before-and-after photos.

Establish clear rules and guidelines for participation.

Clearly define the rules and regulations for participants to ensure a fair and well-run competition. These guidelines must be straightforward and widely available. Make the admission procedure, eligibility requirements, and submission requirements clear. Indicate the entry deadline and the time the winners will be revealed.

Additionally, make sure to mention in your marketing materials any legal disclaimers or copyright information related to the use of UGC. Ensure participants are informed of the potential uses for their work and if they still have ownership rights. is a completely fair and transparent blockchain-based platform, allowing no meddling in the giveaway process. Everything else happens without human intervention after the rules are established.

Use a platform like assists businesses in conducting their giveaways in an open and goal-oriented manner. You can tailor your offer and entry requirements to your giveaway objectives. So, if you want more likes, lets you specify that the offer rules must include likes.

When utilizing to collect UGC, you can ask participants to execute a simple activity, such as sharing content relating to your brand, product, or service, as an entry condition for the contest. This way, you may drive enthusiasm for your giveaway while collecting great UGC for future marketing efforts.

Using helps you ensure a fair and transparent process, establishing trust with your audience and inspiring them to participate in your campaigns. As a result, you can expect stronger interaction and a broader selection of services.

Here are some of the benefits of using for your user-generated contests;

  • Executing fair and transparent giveaways
  • Automation and efficiency
  • Compatibility across platforms
  • Customization features.

End Note

User-generated content (UGC) has transformed how businesses interact with their audience and has become a pillar of contemporary marketing.

Furthermore, contests and campaigns with some rewards act as catalysts for creating UGC by inspiring customers to share their creativity and passion for their ideas, stories, and experiences. As a result, you can maximize the impact of UGC-driven marketing on your brand by putting the techniques described in this article into practice.

Lastly, ensure to host campaigns and contests on dedicated platforms, like, that allow you to easily track the success of your campaign across multiple social platforms.

As you put these tactics into practice, remember that effective UGC-driven campaigns are built on authenticity, engagement, and consumer appreciation. So, stay real, maintain originality, and use to supercharge your giveaway campaigns!



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