How to Nurture Your Email List With Giveaways


How to Nurture Your Email List With Giveaways

Email marketing is one of the oldest types of digital marketing, but still as relevant and effective as other forms of marketing. Unlike other digital marketing methods, such as social media marketing, which focuses on growing your business’s visibility and brand recognition online, email marketing allows you to develop direct relationships with your audience by sending tailored messages that address their individual needs.

As a result, email marketing is a must-have marketing approach for companies seeking a higher conversion rate and a higher return on investment.

Building an email list helps you to communicate with your prospects directly and establish a segmented list that targets the different needs of your audience based on how they interact with your business. An email list gives you absolute control because it feels like a personal message between two individuals, bringing your business closer to your prospects and allowing you to build trust and lasting connections.

While building an email list helps grow your business, you also need a strategy to nurture your prospects to participate in your marketing campaign, share your brand with others for more exposure, and make repeat purchases for increased sales and revenue. As a result, one of the innovative and effective strategies to grow your email list is through giveaways.

What Are Giveaways?

Giveaways are freebies or something of value that are often used for promotional purposes, in which participants are rewarded amongst many entries after meeting the conditions for the prize. Running giveaways is an effective strategy for audience building, customer retention, and other business goals. As a result, giveaways are the quickest way to accelerate growth and organically nurture your email list.

There are numerous benefits of growing and nurturing your email list with giveaways. One of which is that it usually motivates your prospects to act swiftly since they are usually time-bound, and the fear of missing out on them makes your prospect take immediate action.

Another benefit of giveaways in nurturing your email list is that anyone who participates in the giveaway is already interested in your business and offers. Therefore, prospects are more likely to become recurring customers based on the personalized interest they have developed in your business through the giveaways.

Finally, giveaways efficiently attract your audience’s attention and enhance conversion rates, ensuring that you fulfill your marketing and commercial objectives. When done right, giveaways are less expensive to run and yield results faster than any other promotional marketing strategy.

So, how do you efficiently implement an email giveaway? How can you use giveaways to grow and nurture your email list? Let’s find out!

How to Grow and Nurture Your Email List with Giveaways

There are various types of giveaway campaigns that you can use to reach your marketing and business goals. However, offering discounts or organizing referral contests is one of the most efficient strategies to nurture your email list into buyers. So, if you want to crush your marketing goals and convert your email list into buyers with email giveaways, here are the basic steps to take:

Understand Your Ideal Audience

You must create a character for your giveaway to attract your target audience and ensure excellent leads. You don’t want every Tom, Dick, and Harry participating in the giveaway because of the prize, and just make up numbers on your email list. As a result, you must create a persona that correctly depicts your ideal prospect profile based on information from researching and observing their behavior.

Set Realistic Goals

Once you’ve defined and understood the needs of your ideal audience, you should launch your giveaway campaign with an end goal in mind. What do you hope to achieve with the giveaway? What criteria would determine whether the campaign was successful or not? Setting a realistic goal simplifies the process since you already know what you want to achieve. Having a realistic goal also helps make implementing the offer easier, as you will plan the campaign’s giveaway tool and how the winners will be appropriately rewarded.

Choose the Right Giveaway and Define the Prize

Choosing the right giveaway entails knowing what will instantly drive your list to take action. Would referral content or a discount offer bring the best result? Knowing what type of giveaway campaign to run is essential to the campaign’s overall success.

On the other hand, you must have a prize worthy of your prospect’s involvement and relevance to your business. For example, you cannot be in the beauty industry and hold a giveaway with a coupon for body supplements as a reward. You can, however, choose to give away anything as long as it benefits your audience and results in the desired outcome of growing your list.

Define Your Giveaway Rules

Setting the giveaway guidelines is critical because it will help you filter participation and inform participants of what is expected of them to be eligible to win the prize. Defining the giveaway guidelines gives the campaign structure; participants will understand what it means to be a part of the campaign, whether inviting a new friend, liking/sharing a social media post, or participating in other social activities.

Some of the giveaway rules to set before launching the campaign include:

  • The entry eligibility (who can participate and what qualifies them).
  • The duration (how long you will take entries and how long the contest will last).
  • The prize to be won.
  • The mode of selection.

These must be specified to have a successful email giveaway campaign.

Promote the Giveaway on Multiple Platforms

Naturally, an email service provider must collect all of these emails from participants. However, once you launch the giveaway campaign, you must promote the giveaway on many channels where your target audience is present to enhance the reach. More importantly, you must consider the platform where you already have a presence or where you want to develop your user base, as the giveaway will encourage prospects to follow your business to receive all of the necessary information about your brand and the giveaway. Promoting your email giveaway campaign is critical to its success since it allows you to reach a larger audience while increasing your awareness.

Automate the Giveaway Process

While giveaways provide an immediate response for any online marketing, the procedure can be tough to manage, especially when you have to verify if a participant matches the qualifications, perform the campaign assignment, then choose a winner from among the many entries. As a result, it can be time-consuming and stressful. However, platforms like are useful for launching your campaign without manually setting up the giveaway procedure.

Unlike most giveaway platforms, which require installation or creating a dedicated landing page for the campaign, simplifies the process from start to finish while allowing you to customize the offer to your liking. With just a few clicks, you can set up basic objectives and choose the form of participation to obtain email subscribers.


To build and nurture your email list, you must connect with them regularly and provide value. Giveaways are wonderful ways to keep your list active and encourage your prospect to take immediate actions that will allow your business to thrive. Therefore, with the right giveaway tool, such as, you can grow and nurture your email list with any giveaway campaign. Why hesitate? Join the over 5,000+ businesses that use to run campaigns. Learn more.



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