Global Hand Charity: Great Aussie Charities You’ve Never Heard Of…

Givebot Blog
2 min readJan 14, 2018


The spotlight…

The Global Hand charity aims to engage with locals in developing countries to assist them to develop a better future for them and their children.

Why is this a problem?:

Poor countries lack the capacity to educate their children to break the poverty trap. By teaching them to fish — not handing out food — they develop the skills to sustainable education and health..

Where did it all begin?:

It began with a visit of an Interplast team to Laos. The mission cost some $40,000 and benefited 20 children at $2,000 per child despite the doctors donating their time.

A day in the life at Global Hand Charity:

We will be fund raising and planning for the next mission to one of our projects. For example today, we are planning fund raising events in Melbourne and Perth to raise $50,000 which will build a dormitory for teenage girls in Laos as well as fund the 3000 pairs of glasses we will dispense in Sri Lanka and pay for the freight of some 500kg of children's clothes donated to us.

Impact Story:

In 2016, we enabled 2,800 people to see again through our Optometry program. An additional 80 patients required eye surgery so we partnered with the Rotary Club of Colombo to arrange eye operations for all 80 at no cost. In 2015, world audiology team provided hearing aids to children who had been deaf and mute for their whole lives. We found that 14 of the 45 COULD hear with the hearing aids, this changed their lives completely.

What do you do with your donations?:

All our management teams and volunteers pay ALL their own expenses so we are able to guarantee that 100% of donations go to the needy. There are no admin costs deducted from donated funds.

Are you tax deductible?:

Yes! The ATO rules on DGR for local projects are simple. As we deal with foreign aid only, tax deducible donations to Global Hand Charity go through Rotary Australia World Community Service which provides the deductions and forwards the funds direct to our projects.

Read more or get involved here:

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