GiveGrove V1.0

Feature Updates | May 1, 2019

Alex Sejdinaj
6 min readMay 21, 2019


About This Release

This round of updates includes a lot of changes for admins of events. Over the last year we have been watching, learning, and receiving feedback from you all about which features will have the most impact on your administrative capabilities in GiveGrove. Our ultimate goal has been to give you, the organizations, more autonomy in GiveGrove.

This update will also include some smaller changes on the donor side of GiveGrove as well.

Here are the major feature breakdowns of this release:

  • More control over editing your event.
  • Removal of admin edit tool (the yellow pencil button) in favor of a more robust admin portal.
  • Event page layout that accommodates more screen sizes, event types, and customizations.

Here is a deeper dive into each of these features:

New GiveGrove Admin Portal

A New and Improved Admin Experience

If you have been using GiveGrove since our early days, you have become familiar with the yellow pencil in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. We have opted to remove the yellow pencil in favor of a more robust admin portal. Users can get to this new admin portal from the profile dropdown in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

How to get to the new admin portal

Once you have navigated to the new admin dashboard (image above), you will see a very different look and feel from what you have seen previously in GiveGrove. Hopefully this is more exciting than scary, but if you are feeling a little hesitant about diving in, we are here to guide you.

Don’t forget, a GiveGrove team member would be happy to help you if you reach out to

The first thing you’ll notice is a beautiful donut chart that breaks down how much your event is making from each active module.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, donuts aren’t just for eating!

You can also see a total amount raised for your event alongside a clearly called out button that says, “Export Event Data”. This button will export a .csv file that includes all of the donor data in GiveGrove for your event.

The export has been improved to include offline amounts as well.

You may also notice some new features in the admin toolbar on the left side of the screen. You now have a few more options as an admin than you did in previous versions of GiveGrove.

Take note that there are now three sections with sub-pages in each section.

  1. Admin
  2. Modules
  3. Tools

Some of the sections you see on this admin toolbar will seem familiar in name and others might not.

Let’s take a minute to go through some of the changes on the admin toolbar.

Big Boards

There is now a page for admins to access there event big boards. In the past, a GiveGrove team member had to access your big board for you or send you the proper link to gain access. Now you can access these yourself at any point during an event.

Big Boards Page

Edit Event

On the Edit Event page, you will see a lot more customization available to you as an admin when it comes to editing an event. In older versions of GiveGrove, you had to contact an admin to change things like date, location, colors, and more. Now you have the ability to edit all of those things directly on the admin dashboard.


The modules section has some nice new features in it as well. Each module section has a card at the top that provides the total dollars raised with that module. It also includes the module “enabled/disabled” switch that allows you to disable the module on the donor view of the platform.

Module total and controls

For modules that have additional controls, those controls will appear in this section of each module.

Each module also has an Item List.

Each module’s item list will look a little different depending on what information is pertinent to that module.

Also take note that the “Add Item” button for each module is now in this section (remember, no more yellow pencil).

Another thing to notice is the “Info” section on each item list. By clicking on the 3 blue dots in each item’s info section you are given the opportunity to dive deeper into different aspects of each item.

Info Dropdown On Admin Module View

The info that pops up for each item will vary depending on the module. Some common themes across each module include,

  • Edit
  • Transactions
  • View Winner(s)
  • View Item

You will be able to obtain more data and information about each item from this dropdown.

The Edit Item link in the Info dropdown will take you to our new edit item page. Each module now has a more friendly layout for editing items as well as some nice new features.

Edit Item Page for Silent Auction

Perhaps the biggest new feature we have added to editing items is the “Item Visibility” switch. We have now given admins the ability to hide items from donors. Sometimes you may not want to show an item yet, or maybe you have decided to pull an item from your lineup. This switch gives you the ability to remove it from your event.

The edit section for each module includes a preview of the item you are editing below the edit section. This feature prevents the user from having to go back and forth between the donor view and the admin view to see their edits.


We have broken out some of the admin tools into their own section and made some additions to the tools available.

One of the new tools we have added is the Credit Card Charger. We built this tool to give admins a way to run a credit card transaction should they encounter a donor who does not have a GiveGrove account. The Credit Card Charger allows donors to be charged for a donation, but never requires them to make an account.

GiveGrove Credit Card Charger

Another new feature we have added is the Offline Giving page. While the concept of accounting for offline giving in GiveGrove isn’t new, we have made it easier to keep track of offline gifts.

Admins are also able to add offline gifts to teams in the voting module directly from the offline giving page and have those offline votes directly apply to both their grand total and the voting total.

Once an offline gift or vote is made, that offline gift is editable within GiveGrove. This gives admins the chance to change amounts or delete offline gifts.

Looking Forward

While there are some fairly large updates in this new release of GiveGrove, the biggest of them all isn’t visible through the platform. We have spent a lot of time gauging where GiveGrove will be going over the next couple of years, and we think we have built a very solid foundation in this latest release that will allow us to build and release newer and better features as we progress.

Thank you all for your participation in our journey thus far. We are honored to be a part of helping all of you do the wonderful work that you do.

If you have any questions or just want to chat about the new release (or anything else, really) please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Happy Fundraising!



Alex Sejdinaj

Cofounder: Code Works | South Bend Code School | GiveGrove