GiveGrove V 1.1

Feature Updates | May 21, 2019

Alex Sejdinaj
5 min readMay 21, 2019


About This Release

This release includes some exciting new features as well as some improvements to already existing functionality.

The updates are centered around the following features:

  • Organization Pages
  • Refunds
  • Improved Reporting
  • Better Response to Failed Transactions
  • Error Handling for Unsupported Versions of Internet Explorer

Organization Pages

In this release users can expect to see an expansion of utility around organizations. At GiveGrove, we see our platform as a way to more effectively and efficiently track all of an organizations fundraising events while giving those organizations a digital home base from which to command their fundraising efforts. This release will give organization admins a glimpse at the next iteration of organization pages.

Navigating to Organization Pages

The new look for the navigation menu for admins.

In the main navigation menu, organization admins will see a new look and some new menu items. Admins will have the ability to switch through multiple organizations and the events for those organizations.

*Note: Not all admins will have multiple organizations. GiveGrove built this feature for users who assist with fundraising events for multiple organizations.

Users will also see options to navigate to the organization home page, the organization admin page.

Users can also get to their organization pages by navigating to the user profile in the main navigation menu. Each organization has a dropdown menu that shows the user their access level to the organization, a link to the organization’s home page, and a link to the organization’s admin page.

Example of A Really Cool Organization’s dropdown from the profile page.

Once the user has navigated to their Organization Admin page, she will find a a new look and feel that the organization page didn’t previously have.

From this page, admins will be able to edit information about their organization, view other admins that have access to their organization, and see a list of previous events and their totals.

Admins will also be able to create new events for their organization directly from this page.

On the Organization Home page you will find a donor facing page that includes organization info as well as a list of upcoming events. Our hope is that organizations will find this page useful in sharing their calendar of events with their donors.

An example Organization Home page on GiveGrove


A big part of managing events is issuing refunds. Refunds are an inevitability for any organization, so GiveGrove has built in some functionality that allows organization admins to issue refunds from the event dashboard. No longer will admins have to contact GiveGrove staff to issue refunds. Yay!

All you have to do to refund a transaction is click the refund arrow to the far right of any of GiveGrove’s transaction menus.

Refund Policy: GiveGrove runs all of our transactions using Stripe for online payment processing. We do this in order to remain PCI compliant and provide secure transactions four both organizations and donors. Stripe, does NOT refund credit card processing fees. Because of this, donors will not be able to receive a refund for their credit card processing fees. However, all GiveGrove fees will be refunded with any transaction.

Improved Reporting

Event exports will now include information for offline charges entered in GiveGrove. Admins can also expect to see refunded charges accurately reflected in the event export.

Better Response to Failed Transactions

We have included some functionality in this release that provides better feedback for donors when their credit card transactions fail in GiveGrove. Donors will now be able to see if their credit or debit card had insufficient funds, was declined by their banks, or failed to process due to other reasons. Not only will donors see that their card was declined, they will be given instruction on how to fix the issue and retry their charge.

Failed Transaction Screen

Error Handling for Unsupported Versions of Internet Explorer

GiveGrove does not support certain versions of Internet Explorer (IE). The reasoning behind our decision not to support those versions of IE is because Microsoft is dropping support of IE in favor of their latest browser Microsoft Edge. When a company drops support for a technology it means that a lot of issues can go unfixed, including security issues. GiveGrove highly values the security of our organizations and their donors. Especially when it comes to processing credit cards. We made the choice not to support IE because we couldn’t guarantee security in all instances. If a user attempts to use IE they will now receive an error messaging letting them know that GiveGrove does not work on IE followed up with a request to use a different browser.

Unsupported Browser Warning

Those are all of the updates we have for now!

If you have any questions or just want to chat about the new release (or anything else, really) please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Happy Fundraising!



Alex Sejdinaj

Cofounder: Code Works | South Bend Code School | GiveGrove