10 NGOs helping mentally challenged live normal life in India

Rhythm Sachdeva
Published in
6 min readOct 16, 2019

With celebrities like Deepika Padukone coming out about their battles with depression, it’s easy to believe that people have changed their minds about mental health issues. But the fact is, the topic of mental illness is still either not addressed or talked about in hushed tones. Hence, the need to help mentally ill patients is not recognized. The stigma is very real and is still alive.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in 20 people in India over the age of 18 suffer from depression. Most of these people shy away from getting the proper treatment they need. In such a situation, the least we can do is to help organizations that are providing much-needed help and support to these people. Spending a few hours interacting with differently-abled people at home care or a small monthly donation can make their life easier and better. Give charity to mental health NGO to bring the solutions to the people in extreme need, reduce the stigma surrounding the concept of mental illness and improve awareness and social acceptance.

Here is how you can help people with mental illness through GiveIndia’s partner NGOs

1. Ashadeep Mission

Ashadeep Mission was formed in 1996 in Northeast India to help mentally ill patients get access to rehabilitation facilities. Since its inception, 1200 individuals in Guwahati and over 2000 in rural Assam have received help with issues related to mental health. 650 homeless people have been housed and treated at rehabilitation centers and 550 of them have been reunited with their families. This NGO working for mental health requires support to provide its patients with food, shelter, and treatment.

2. Neptune Foundation

Neptune Foundation was established in 2010 under the Neptune Group. They work to identify homeless people with mental illness wandering the streets, take them under their wings and arrange treatment for them. Once they battle their memory loss and are cured, they are reunited with their families. Neptune also arranges to pay for the lifelong medication of their patients who can’t afford it. They have saved around 283 people and successfully reunited 183 with their families. Your charity to mental health NGO can help a mentally ill patient reunite with his family.

3. Paripurnata HalfWay Home

Paripurnata Halfway Home is a safe shelter that works to help mentally ill patients to reunite with their families. It provides a temporary home where patients can avail of treatments like pharmacotherapy, occupational therapy, non-formal education, and counseling. Women also learn other necessary skills like cooking, cleaning, and shopping. The residents are regularly taken out for picnics and other social gatherings to help them develop their social skills. Help this NGO working for mental health by sponsoring the health care expenses of a patient with mental illness.

4. The Banyan

The Banyan is based in Tamil Nadu and works to improve mental hygiene of mentally ill patients who are unable to fend for themselves. Their programs include sponsoring doctors and psychiatrists for their in-house patients and providing lunch for the residents.They have rural as well as urban clinics and have rescued and served almost 2000 patients with a strength of over 150 volunteers and 200 staff on board. Give charity to this mental health NGO and help mentally ill patients receive proper healthcare and medical aid.

5. Raphael

Raphael was founded in April 1959. In the 50 years of its existence, Raphael has worked with people suffering from leprosy, tuberculosis, and intellectual impairment, touching more than 22,000 lives. Apart from running a school and shelter home for their students, they also have a community-based rehabilitation project. Give charity to mental health NGO and provide care and education to an intellectually challenged child.

6. Association for the Mentally Challenged

The Association for the Mentally Challenged provides knowledge-based services to intellectually challenged people. Their aim is to improve the quality of their life. They want to build an atmosphere of harmony, learning and constructive participation for intellectually challenged children, adults, and parents alike. Contribute to this NGO to provide education and meals to underprivileged mentally-challenged patients.

7. Khushboo Welfare Society

Khushboo Welfare Society provides holistic care and services to people with mental and multiple disabilities. They hope to build a society where physically and mentally challenged become self-reliant and lead a life with dignity and respect. Their programs like Sparsh, Pre-School, Blessings, Samvedan, Samarth, and CBR are specially designed to provide different kinds of help to the differently-abled including therapeutic interventions for speech, attending to early development issues, and imparting vocational training in activities which can help them get jobs. Give charity to mental health NGO and help a mentally challenged student go to school.

8. Diya Foundation

Diya Foundation believes that the best way to enrich the quality of life and bring dignity to differently-abled adults is by training them in life and vocational skills, building support systems and enhancing awareness in the community. The mentally challenged are given hands-on training in skills that help them to get a job and become self-reliant. Recreational activities like birthday parties and training days help keep the trainees engaged. Your charity to mental health NGO will help cover the cost of the birthday celebrations of an underprivileged mentally challenged trainee.

9. Care At Door Medical Services (CAD MS Trust)

CAD MS Trust caters to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of mentally challenged students for their all-round development. Proper psychological assessment and diagnosis are done for all students and the students are also given therapeutic treatment. The trust also strives to equip students with the skills and mindset necessary to face the challenges. You can donate to this NGO working for mental health and educate and rehabilitate a mentally disabled child living on the streets

10. Blind Welfare Council Dahod (BWC)

BWC Dahod works on developing the strengths and abilities of children with mental disabilities like mental retardation, speech and hearing impairment, autism and cerebral palsy. It runs a daycare center, residential school and vocational training center for children with mental disabilities. The students are also trained in activities of daily life, social behaviour, and different kinds of sports and extracurricular activities. Give charity to mental health NGO to provide mentally challenged children with education and training.

The poorer sections of society are often left to languish in these terrible conditions with diseases that are often misdiagnosed or not treated at all. Our partner NGOs are trying to provide a dignified life to these people and you can help too to get the poor patient to get timely treatment. Want to know more about how you can help? Get in touch with us in the comments below. You can also write to us at rhythm@giveindia.org or call us at 7738714428.

Originally published at https://blog.giveindia.org



Rhythm Sachdeva

I believe in the power of humanity and want to do my bit in making this world a happy place to be at. Taking forward my learnings from Goonj, YIF & GiveIndia.