Can’t pay your hospital bills? Ask for help

Blog | Free Crowdfunding in Asia |
2 min readOct 8, 2017
Image: Evan Kirby

We’ve often been told that if we don’t ask for help, we’ll never get what we want. When tragedy strikes, we’ll need as much help as we can. Most of us who live in a sheltered environment, find ourselves most unprepared when tragedy strikes and in need of resources to help pay for hospital bills. If you’re in need of help from someone, you can definitely depend on our environment of helpful Singaporeans who are willing to help. The world today has changed. It is one where we are endowed with an abundance of resources at our disposal and can dispense a bit to make someone else’s lives better. GIVE is a place that helps does this for you, via their platform. With GIVE, your bills will go a long way, just like this beneficiary.

As a young professional in my 20s, there are many reasons why and how my worries about health are far from my imagination and thus the idea of having to pay hospital bills is tucked deep in the recesses of my head. But the thought of someone needing help to cover hospital bills will always motivate me to contribute, which has thankfully been made easier with GIVE Asia’s online fundraising platform.

The intricacies of hospital bills

The administrative details and operative cost around everything, on top of insurance, often obstruct and add on to the bills. On top of the stay for a few nights, doctors can’t operate until there are certain requirements which have been hit, and in worse cases, this does not bode well for the patient, who require urgent help. This is why we should be trying our best to help when needed. Past successful fundraising campaigns have proven that Singaporeans are a charitable bunch, but hospital bills, majority of where the fundraising originates from, are contentious with the numerous admin aspects they have to take care of, and time is often of the essence, by the time a campaign is set up. Thankfully, GIVE Asia has helped raise our attention to these cases, that there are many who need help to pay your hospital bills.

Still, there is a lot you can do to help. To date, GIVE has helped plenty of lives in the nick of time. Don’t let your inability to pay your hospital bills affect your situation. GIVE Asia can help. In a world where our friends and community are already passionate about donating to help one another, enhanced with platforms like GIVE to make this easier for you, reach out if you need help to pay your hospital bills, and rest assured, you’ll have as much help as possible, from your loving community of friends and relatives in Asia.

